Well it's already been a week since the end of our World Tour 2010 and we are settling back into the groove. Bags are back in the extra closet, bills are all paid, invoices are in the mail. Funny how fast the time goes and a vacation as big as ours seems like no more than a distant memory. People ask what was your favorite place and I really didn't have a favorite as they all were so different. MV Aranui we were on the Ocean for nearly two weeks plenty of hot water and people to rattle on too. Then the cold of Harbin China hardly able to recognize each other do to the layering affect of our clothing. Off to Bohol and the beautiful sunsets how did we ever leave this place? Arriving Laos by wooden boat pulling our suitcases up the muddy river bank would we have ever thought we were going to have fun here? Laos was fantastic! Thinking that we were seeing poverty and simple living only Madagascar would top it.
I have no favorite place as all of them were great, Joy did a great job putting together the hotels and I think that our choices of Agents were as much luck as they were researching the internet to put together this maylay of destinations. We are already 3/4 of the way to our next tour and are already working on next year so we have something to look forward too. So I will sign off here with a big thank you for following us, we hope we provived some sort of entertainment for you. Watch out next year as we are going to be calling it 7.
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