S: We grabbed a bus to Vang Vien, which arrived at 3am in the morning with Kate and Ryan. We knew where to stay as we had been recommended a hostel already. They wanted to charge us for the room for that night, which obviously we declined and slept on loungers until they woke us up at 7:30am to say we could have the rooms.
J: This town is popular for tubing so that's what we went to do. A van took us all up the river and it starts at a bar with free shots which is always the best start. As no ATM's where working earlier in the day due to a power cut, we had little money on us so went for the best money to alcohol ratio of "Tiger Whisky" it was interesting stuff but got the party going. The bar was busy and lively, we played beer pong then headed down the river on the rubber tubes stopping at another bar along the route, again with a bottle of "Tiger". I made friend with a guy and after some games asked his name, it was also James! We didn't know how to tell each other apart so I was white James and he was Black James lol. It was hilarious floating down just going with the flow and laughing with the 100 people all around. This was all down the most beautiful scenic place, the mountains we floated down looked like something out of the Avatar film. We met up with everyone from the river that night for a meal and drinks.
S: James says "shall we share a meal" I was talking to someone at the table and when I turned to have some dinner it was all gone lol. Although Mr K had more 'Tiger' and in true Keeler form passed out in a hammock lol.
J: I only passed out once we got back to the hostel though......
S: We chilled out and then rented mountain bikes to go to the blue lagoon and cave. The road was very bumpy and wet, and after we had finished we were covered head to toe in mud - cheap face pack I suppose lol. The lagoon was brilliant there were swings and branches to jump off and of course James participated.
J: We noticed on the map there was a cave temple at the blue lagoon 250 meters us some very steep steps. After getting to the top Sam's back hurt and headed back down. I went in to a black cave using my phone touch to see, and then found this lovely little shrine in an opening of the cave where some sunlight was coming through.
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