Hey gang,
Hope your all keeping well
Its our third day in Budapest (Hungary), we quickly realised after the first day there is too much to see and do in this city so with the help of last we moved from our rather tatty, grubby hostel to a rather nice hotel for the same price. We now dont have to walk through the dorm room to reach our bedroom.
We left the touristy Zacopane and embarked on our first day of hardcore travel, a bus from Zacopane to Poprad, a train to Kosice then a 3 hour wait before our final 4hrs train to Budapest. The journey wasnt as tough as we thought and the 80p large beers during the wait help ease the pain.
Arriving into a thunder strom at 10pm and not having any Hungarian cash is never going to be great but we finally got sorted and arrived at Capital Hostel (the sign was written on a piece of paper, sellotaped to the door)
We have had a couple of busy days taking in a bus tour, boat trip and the Terror museum about Hungaries unreal and grusome past.
Off to Lake Balaton next for some bike rides around the lake and drink some of the local wines.
Love to you all
Gramovich and Nikolski
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