I slept loads on the plane cos I knew John would want me to go out as soon as I arrived, plus with his friend being there I won't have any say in the matter…..
When I got to Christchurch it was about 1pm and It looked sooo much like the UK it was blinking freezing too! So I got to the hostel and the whole place was dead. It was like ghost town honestly…..there was no sign on mad John so I went to my room…Opened the door and to my surprise there was two Asians getting it on…oh my god did I get an eye full…I literally didn't know what to do with myself, I kind of shut the door on my foot and fell out backwards..they kept shouting please please don't come in!! hahaha! I have to admit I nearly cracked up laughing especially as they rolled off the bed…..
Any way after the embarrassment for all of us we started chatting away and they were actually quite nice…I don't think they will do that again in a hurry! It surprised me actually cos Asians are normally quite reserved!
So it took me ages to full asleep and at 5:30am knock! Knock! Knock! Two crazy blinking Irish guys banging on the door shouting my name….i swear on my life the Asians wanted to kill me. But I say "we're even" mad John and his mate Denny wanted me to come out….i told them where to go in the nicest way possible (well actually not) and they finally left!
Any way Christchurch is a small little city and there is not allot to do around here, and I have yet to see the "beautiful sights" im looking forward to leaving here as it's a bit boring, but luckily the weather has been so good.
NYE was good fun they had live music in the square and everyone was in good form….i got way to drunk though. The next day I woke up at 12 and had to sit in the shower cos standing proved to be too difficult ha! Then I took my sorry butt outside and I looked as rough as I felt and got some chips. I randomly stared chatting to two guys on their holiday on the bench.
They were both in their 40,s and really nice guys who had travelled loads. I actually ended up spending the day with them as I was to scared the Irish would get me to the pub again. We had a great Mexican meal …Mmmmm yum! Not really back packer food but what the heck hey! Just this once….
When I got back to the hostel at about 10pm I had no joy hiding from the guys and HAD to go out….when I say HAD I mean they leave you no choice. I really wanted my bed……I have no idea what time I got in but again they knocked on my door at about 5am….someone is gonna die before I leave here…..
I have booked a very full packed tour around the south island starting tomorrow for 10days. It's going to be very busy but so much fun before I start my job in Martinbourgh on the 15th.
Hope everyone had a great NYE and Happy NY to everyone. xx
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