Hi Clover,
I hope you are having fun. I loved the photos of the elephants and I wish I had been there too. I am missing you. I hope to speak to you soon on Skype. Love from Sarah x
Big Sis
Glad you loved the Taj. It's not tatty at all. Crowded yes, but stunning. So pleased it was a success! I also think the Sydney Op House was a disappointment- it's sooo not white!
And in response to Mum's crap comment, ( yes, you Mum!) I am sitting in the Scottish rain in Crail as I type and trust me, I would rather have India in the heat at this point in time! x
Robert (006.5)
Just read full blog from day1 ...Superb!
Glad you guys are all having a great time. Sarah missing Clover. Rufus could give you some haunts to go to (during my 'under cover'days)!
Keep safe RP & S
Christine Murphy
Amazing stories, reading with great interest! Long may you continue!
are you on messenget or yahoo?
Have finally got roung to reading your blog. I must say the photos and reading are brill. You all look so happy and realaxed and the girls look like they are having the time of your life. Keep the pictures and news coming and take good care of yourselves. Love to all
Emma Mcmillan
Hey Katya,
Sounds like your having a great time (apart from your sickness!). Your blogs are great, glad everyone is enjoying the adventure xxx
Claire Brown
Katya christ!! Can't believe how ill you have been! Hope your on the mend now lovey. Rufus you star! XX
am in katmandu! flew in a helocopter today to the tropical south and back- where is your orphanage? Country is as beautiful as i remember, katmandu less of a hoel, and the people/atmosphere much more relaxed than india
Sweet Jesus (or Allah), Katya!!
Cant beleive the lengths you go to to loose weight.
Glad you are on the mend and that this experience has taken your and Rufus's relationship to a new level.xx
Hi Katya, finally come on to read your news, we aren't able to get on the blog in HO!! Loving the blog, its really funny and making me jealous! Will keep checking it for more news! Enjoy xxx
Joyce H
Hi Katya - Glad you're enjoying your big adventure. It all sounds fab, you write so well.
Hope you're taking notes for the book !!!!!!
Take care of each other.
Joyce x