Have you got an address for me to send a xmas card?
Ros Mcaleer
Have you got an address for xmas cards?
Ros Mcaleer
Sounds like you are having a ball, keep enjoying it you are not missing anything in Glasgow. Keep writing the stories I love reading them and think that you should make them into a book one day.
Love to All Ros
Good then you will be emotionally and spiritually prepared if something goes wrong on december 9th when your father has a life threatening operation to save his life from secondary cancer in the liver
I'm SOOO impressed - takes me all my time to climb the stairs!!
Keep the blogs and photos coming, they are great. Enjoy and take care. A xx
Rufus K Sherpa
There's nothing wrong with chartering an helicopter...everyone should do it at least once (and im thinking of doing it at least twice!!)
I really laughed at the latet Klog entry and theres something nice about chuckling at one's own story at 3400m. Keep up the good work (theres a book in there somewhere my Lee).
Im looking forward to the scene with the big sister and the Nepali waiter.
Love you and miss you
S Cain
Forgot to say, Jaipur was my fave place in India , we loved the taj but hatted Agra!! l'm so jealous!!
S Cain
Hey Katya, whenever you hit a wall, remember us poor folks stuck back in glasgow!! It sounds scary but fantastic, glad the girls are having a great time!!
Please can you send the address where you want the text books sent - Katya, tell my slacker son to get a move on. Sounds like you're having a great time. i meanwhile am having an HMI inspection, oh joy!!
Kay Campbell
Seriously though Katya, how could you not have taken this opportunity and given yourself and the girls an experience of a lifetime... best decision ever! And yes i definately would come visit and start up FCA Nepal!
Christine Murphy
Hey, love reading your stories, and you inspired me to write my own blog of our trip to Australia. However gave up after a day as I thought I sounded really boring. Take care
Jane And Anna
Hi got your letter today, brilliant drawing of the Taj Mahal, your photos look fantastic. Anna sent a big email it took ages!raining all the time here! Take care xx