Day 200
Finally out of Nepal and back in my favourite country of all time, India. Dirty roads, traffic, noise, packed streets, no pavements, dead animals and roads so full of litter it looks like someone has emptied a skip every 10 yards - it feels like home! We had a lovely flight on fab Jet Airways - all seat back TV's and Tiger beer. Apart from the hour of unnecessary form filling (father's occupation, grandmother's bra size) at customs - those Indians sure love their bureaucracy, the whole journey was very smooth - until we got to 'the worst hotel in Delhi' which I had fortunately and cleverly booked. We were shown into a room that looked like a dungeon but with faulty electrics, a broken TV and no hot water... but we were too tired to complain. Rufus was sent out to find a pharmacy to buy more head lice medicine. I think I will actually miss my lice when they are gone. I quite like having an extended family of insects and their friends living in my hair. Clover has another giant stye and looks like she has been punched hard in the face. Am kind of glad we have left Nepal - although I will miss very good friends - the climate and pollution of that country has nearly killed us.
However, Delhi is completely freezing - having the worst weather in 20 years. I did laugh when I read in the Hindustan Times that all the primary schools are closed in Delhi due to the weather - a terrifying 8 degrees! What would they make of Scotland? Fog is causing loads of flights to be cancelled - fingers crossed ours goes tomorrow. I need to get to Bangkok or face the wrath of Gan Gan.
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