Katie's Travels
Have finally had a day off in Adelaide. Not sure how im still with it i have to say! Have fallen in love with Adelaide. Everyone ive met always likes either melbourne or Sydney but i love it here in Adelaide. Its a city by OZ terms but isnt too big and has a great atmosphere much like Darwin. Australia has only been around so to speak for 200 years so its lacking in heritage, but there are some great older buildings which make me feel at home here! Have met some great people whilst travelling already and you just keep meeting up with each other and organise to spend a week here and there. The peeps iv been with lately have nick named me posh pommie! Constantly have my Swiss friend copying all that i say!! Had 2 great bus drivers for the last stretch which was lucky as 6 days can be a very long time with people you dont get on......we also have them for the next 3 days through to Melbourne.
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