I am cool apart from someone giving me a hard time!
Saw Adrian again on monday we had a really nice night!!
Missing u like mad mate, but i know u r having a really fab time!!
Talk again when i am sober!! lol!!
Love u!!
Hey Katie...
I just love that I am on your website.... ha ha! Have enjoyed reading about your trips, I wish it was me in australia right now! Well, here is everything not as planned! I was supposed to start work tuesday, but my shoulder dislocated saturday, so I cant work for the next, well couple of weeks! But, apart from that, everything is just dandy! I miss the group and the adventures. I hope you are alright on your own, but I know you will be!
I'm really enjoying following all of your adventures - reminds me of some of mine. Looks you are meeting some lovely people and having a ball!
Enjoy and keep safe.
Allo you! Thank you so much for giving me an excuse to stop working for half an hour to gawp at your photos! I'm stunned at how much you've done in such a short time. I was feeling v v v jealous until I saw the spider photo......again, thank you because I now never want to leave UK again, you've saved me £1,000's if I just stick to Gt Yarmouth I'll be fine!!!! Not much news this end, S has left Cyc now and everyone else is on or going on holiday. Oh, had my long weekend away not far from your other buddy on here - I was in Woolacombe and actually went over to Croyde for lunch one day. Really pretty place. Had a great time doing sod all and drink a lot - just what the doc ordered! Have a wicked time in Oz, lots of love n stuff, Chris x x x x
Hello you globe trotter you, Bali looks so lovely. Did you find out what happened to Charlotte?
We had much fun in Egypt, Colin caught a bug called "Musthafa dump" and bought it back to the UK with him, ahhh bless! its a strange creature though seems to keep Colin in the toilet most of the time. (Thats why we were not in the castle Greg, Marie)
We got bitten silly by the mozzies, I have never ever been bitten and managed to tot up a nice round ten arrrrrrrgh! the tonic did not work think there was too much gin in it!
Did loads of snorkelling and lazing around, not as brown as I thought I would be, was so hot that we were sweating more than a french cheese and so I spent most of my time snorkelling which was heaven. I want to go diving next holiday, well after Milan at the end of Sept that is.
Back to work and reality today and enjoyed my katies adventure fix though.
Much love
Noella x
I'm curious as to what happened to your travel buddy - where is she?! Are you still in touch at all? Or did she pack up and go home? It all looks good anyway - glad to see some more photos. The jungle huts look a bit posh and comfy to me though..! Seems like you've been away for AGES! You're so lucky. I just got back from a weekend in Croyde, North Devon which was great fun. It was meant to be a surfing weekend but we didn't even so much as get our toes wet!! I went to bed at 06.30am after Fri night and got up at 8am and went for a 6 mile run - UPhill!! No wonder I'm knackered. Anyway it was all good - i took my dads Mercedes so we were posing a bit too! Have a good time in Australia. x
I love the pics. keep having fun!!
Hiya Katie,
I'm really enjoying reading your postcards - I'm glad things are going ok and everything's falling into place despite falling out with your travelling buddy! Austrailia so far sounds lovely!
Enjoy plently more Snakebites, red wines and sunshine....while i'm sat here in the office!
Take good care
hi Katie,
glad to hear you're having a good time out there. Am a regular reader of your postcards. They're frickin awesome!
Hi Katie So jealous oz sounds fab. Knew u would meet lots of fantastic people. Had steak nite last nite not the same without u not as much laughing and girlie chat, missed that, and having to wait on marie ha ha! Em not been very well the last few days sick and things. Dont forget all my postcards expect loads from all those places you are going cause it sounds like you wil be getting about loads. went out with carl thursday nite expect you already no. yorkies treat, very kind of him. missing you but hey your having the time of your life speak soon xx benson says hi and george well just a snort xxxxxx
Hey u,
Had a good weekend went 2 s***quids on friday night. Saturday night it was steak night, I think your dad wants me 2 work for the next one but i think we are going 2 end up fighting over that haha!! Ems was ment 2 be my date but she has been ill so she was not really feeling it, It was fine tho cos i sat with Pat and Doug (What a laugh).
Oh went out with adrian on tuesday night 2 a BBQ, Got really really pissed!! He is cool and sends his love!!
Its good 2 see that you are drinking everyone under the table!!
Anyway its sunday morning so coffee and toast are calling!!
Take care mate
Hello kate
Shelagh and I are in Turkey at the mo on our hols. Spent the first few nights in Istanbul and then drove south near Bodrum. Gonna meet with my friends Dave and Emma who have bought an appartment over here. Having a nice time doing not alot.
Sounds like your trip is going well although sounds a bit hectic. Not much time in one place but I'm sure your having a great time. Make the most of it as you may never get the chance again.