Good morning/middle of the night to you,
I would like to paint you all a little picture. I am currently sat at a computer typing (obviously), the surface on which the computer is resting is appoximately hip-height to the 5 foot 3 individual. The chair on which I am sitting is in the manner of an armchair and is, I would estimate, a grand total of 11 inches from the carpet. Take a moment to picture this and you will realise that there is something not quite right in the pairing of these two items of furniture. The grand total of body parts visible above the keyboard? My head.
Now that you have that highly amusing image in your mind I'll continue with the more vital material of the update, wait who am I kidding, there is no such thing as vital in this journal! However, I'm sure that you're all intrigued to know how I have been killing the excess time here in grand old Sydney. The answer to that is fairly complex. The killing of time has consisted of a number of complicated and extremely important activities such as purchasing souvenirs of a small and cheap nature, (not for everybody I might add as I am not made of money!) reading and wandering in an aimless fashion. All thrilling stuff. Excitingly I did just discover my CD of photos which I unwittingly left in the neighbouring computer a few days ago, but the case has now gone walkabout so I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to get it home undamaged, but that can be one of the important things I do today.
My plans for the day are merely to wander around the shops looking for things that I have deemed necessary to carry in my hand luggage, but don't yet have, such as more books and deoderant in a form other than liquid lest I get arrested on suspicion of terrorism. It's going to be strange to get on a high security flight again as they're much more lenient down under, for example, I was allowed to fly from New Zealand to Sydney with a penknife in my hand luggage. I now have a headache from looking up at the screen so I'm going to stop writing and possibly go shopping now, yay.
See you in 51 hours!
Kate, the homebound intrepid explorer
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