My bus to Coff's Harbour was not until 9pm so after checking out of Bondi and lugging all my stuff to the Central Bus Station in Sydney to leave in storage I caught the ferry to Manly.
Manly is a lovely place, unfortunately I had to explore it on rather a wet and miserable day but still had a great time. I wondered around the town for a while and managed to pick up some bargains including a new pair of sunnies to replace my broken pair. I walked all the way along the beach and around a bay called 'Cabbage Tree Bay' - what a class name for a bay! Then around Shelly Head and back. Shelly head was a tiny little peninsula with great views of Manly and I sat for ages watching the surfers trying to avoid the perilous rocks. I was given the fright of my life though when I was walking down the path to be encountered by a massive web full off the most enormous garden spiders. They were huge and there must have been 20 of them. I am so thankful that we don't have them back home - not that big anyway!
I only had a few hours to explore and with it being such a miserable day there was not all that much I could do seeing as its main attraction - the beach, was all soggy. I did however treat myself to fish and chips, and between the showers I was able to eat them whilst sat on the shorefront. Yummy!
The most amazing part of the visit to Manly was the ferry ride there and back. The view of the Harbour was amazing and as I came back the clouds had just began to clear and the sun was setting below the Harbour Bridge. The harbour water itself was extremely choppy on the way back and the ferry ride was more like a roller coaster - it was great fun.
I had to be back to pick up my luggage by 6 which meant I had the unfortunate task of sitting in the train station for 3 hours waiting for the bus. The time passed alright though what with reading my book and making new friends. There was a lad sat opposite me and we got talking. It turns out he was from Tasmania and was heading up to Brisbane for a wedding. It was the first Aussie my age that I had gotten to know so when I get to Brisbane this week we plan to meet up. I have another friend I made in Sydney to meet up with too when I get there. I love travelling - you meet so many new people.
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