Hey guys!!! SO sorry I havent updated lately. Im a shocking blogger. So much has been going on. Rainrain rain for DAYS! At lunch today the sun peeked out and it was the most exciting think since... well since a long time. Everyone was like taking their sweaters off and embracing the sun. Was awesome.
4 people have confirmed cases of the SWINE flu. Its lovely. The Americans are all getting Tamiflu, and all the internationals are f***ed!!! But ill be okay, im a tough cookie.
It feels like I have been here forever, i have a "Family" and i love them all muchly (My family consists of 8 women and 19 10 year old girls). I look like a total scruffer and im loving it. More pictures and stuff on the way soon!
Today i rode on a YELLOW SCHOOL BUS! Its so exciting!! Beyond exciting. Love it. Love you all, off to bed! Night!! x
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