Kate's Travels
Went up to chaing mai for the night which was really nice as Bangkok is not the place to be - far too busy and smell and grimy. Chaing mai is much nicer, although still not clean and fresh so it was so nice to get out of the city.
We left chiang mai and drove to a waterfall about an hour north of the town which was gorgeous - photos to follow next time im online! - and we had lunch and swam in the waterfall. Then the trecking started. On day one we walked for about 6 hours, through forrest, rice fields, hills and fields. It was pretty hot and we were all really sweaty - not nice!! But the scenery was amazing and we saw places you just wouldnt be able to see in a car or bus or whatever, and the 12 of us in the group really get on so it was nice to chat to people etc.
We stayed in a hilltribe village whcih was basic to say the least - we slept on hardwood floors in a single room (not great after walking up hill and carrying your backpack all day) and the washing facilities were non-existant. But we all sort of joined together and just got on with it - it was kind fo fun just being together.
The next day after about the worst sleep i have ever had in my entire life we went to the local school and spent about half an hour with the children who were just great - so charismatic and friendly. THen we set off up hill for 2 and half hours in total picturesque jungle, going past waterfalls and banana trees - it was like somewhere david attenborough (cant spell) would go filming. Was ridiculously humid but were all felt so grubby it didnt really matter. We got to the second hilltribe village at about 2 pm which was slightly bigger than the previous one and we had bamboo floors to sleep on whcih were slightly more comfortable as they were flexible, although still an absolute nightmare to sleep on, you really arent missing out by not trying it! There was a waterfall about a 5 min walk through the rice fields so we all went there after having some lunch (its noodles and rice for breakfast, dinner and tea at the moment, we are all craving pizza!! hehe) and washed and larked about. We reckon it was where the herbal essence adverts are filmed, it looked just like it!!
After tea and a walk around the village where we saw women weaving clothes and sifting rice they had jsut harvested - like something they recreate at the museum of science and industry or soemthing but totally real, was fascinating - the children of the viallge all sang songs for us which was pretty cool.
The next morning we were all in high spirits because we would be sleeping in proper beds that night!! We had another 2.5 hours of walking to do but most of it was downhill. Lots was through forest and past waterfalls (there seems to be a lot of waterfalls around here!!) so again was very picturesque. We got to the bottom about lunch time and were all sooo happy we had made it!
After food we went on an elephant ride for about 45 mins - again, pics will follow! - whcih was just incredible despite the searing heat. They are huge animals - even bigger than you imagine - yet so gentle, placid and content, it was great to be with them.. I sat on his neck and his ears kept flapping my legs! their skin is very hard and wrinkly even though it looks like it should be soft and squidgy. He kept lifting his trunk up so we fed him bananas throughout the whole ride so i think he was pretty happy hehe.
Then we went bamboo river rafting for about an hour - 10 bamboo poles about 4m long are tied together and steered by a guide while we sat on them and went through the jungle, was very picturesque and really nice to sit down properly and chill out after the treck.
Then we had the ride home where we were all silent with tiredness, never thought that journey would happen! But we finally got back to the hotel and had the best shower in the world.
Will write again soon after the national park!! Sorry its not totally up to date but will try and keep on top of it from now on!
K xxxxx ps thanks for the message mum! xx
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