(January 23 - 29th 2009)
After the worst journey so far, we arrived... 9 and 1/2 hours late at the Cameron Highlands. Off the bus, we took a taxi to see the guesthouses. As it was almost Chinese New Year everywhere was either fully booked - or double the usual price for accomodation. Eventually we found a guesthouse, Cameronian Inn, which was really nice - but only available for 1 night! A real shame as the place was quite quirky - Chris likened it to that of Ski type resorts (but without the snow!!)
After dumping our bags in our room, we ventured off in desperate need to find food. We were starving after not eaten properly all day, and by this time it was about 11pm!! We found a nice Indian place.. and after eating we returned back to bed for a well needed rest.
We woke up in the morning with the smell of freshly baked scones.. and yep - we ate tea and scones for breakfast - it was devine!! We sat outside in the garden, and it was refreshing to find the temperature alot more cooler than the rest of the places we'd been to - obviously because we we're up in the mountains!! As we were struggling to find accomodation, it was very lucky that we found two aussies - Ryan and Verity - who advised us of some accomodation that had some rooms free that they were heading to, KRS Pines.. which was just down the road from Cameronian! So after packing up our stuff we headed off there to see. To our luck, a reserved room had only just been cancelled! "Yes..." We thought.. the gods ARE with us!! We we're so happy - literally jumping for joy! haha.
After such a hectic last few days we decided to make a fun day out of it and climb to Mount Jasar (5,565 ft). The start of the trail was quite confusing, as it looked to be in someone's garden, but the Chinese resident in the house at the start of the trail kindly showed us the way.. bless!! He also advised us that the trail was an easy one - which was a big fat lie!!!haha. The trail started off a steady, easy walk - whistling as we walk "Simple!"- we thought... but soon after we were literally wheazing as we CLIMBED!! haha. On the way, Chris (who was in front of me) saw a 'lazy snake' which slithered into the bush - he freaked!! Thank god I didn't see it!! The rest of the way I was almost too cautious!! Apparently these lazy snakes are given the term 'lazy'as they are always fund lying on paths on their backs in the sun! Anyway, afterabout 45 minutes we reached the top, we could see the Highlands for miles - so many tea plantations and lush greenary! The trek was well worth it and it was great watching the clouds roll in between the valleys. The walk back down really topped off our aching limbs though.
On the way back to our guesthouse, we spotted Úncle Chow's'restaurant, which was recommended on a local leaflet we had been given - so we thought we should give it a go. As soon as we walked in, Uncle Chow made us feel really welcome. He sat and explained the whole menu to us, which we had never got the privalage of knowing in other places. As he specialised in only a few local dishes, we were very kean to try them. I had Nasi Lemak, a chicken dish which was beautiful - whilst Chris had a huge soup fishy dish, which he wasn't that kean on!!! After our meal he come to sit qith us again.. that man could talk for England!! His wife, the cook, come out to see if we enjoyed our meals.. really nice to see them take pride in what they do, After about 2 hours, and meeting practically everyone who Uncle Chow know's.. we headed back to the guesthouse. We arrived to find Verity abd Ryan, and Paul and Al (A Welsh couple) in the common room.. so we sat with them, chatted and watched TV. We did this often in our stay at KRS.. the place was really nice, the staff we're really sweet and helpful, and the four travellers that we had met were great!
We woke up the next morning to find the rain spitting a little with rain. Chris and I thought nothing of it and headed to the Cameron Valley teahouse. Unfortunately for us it absolutely drowned us halfway there!! The teahouse was packed when we got there also, so we felt alittle bit rushed.. nonetheless out brownie and icecream and cameron tea was beautiful!! The weather didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon (when it rains in the Cameron Highlands - it Pours!!) so we thought "sod it"- and with our macs we practically ran back!! When we got back to the guesthouse - everyone was cosy'd up on the sofa's avoiding the ain.. so we did the same for the rest of the day.. and then had a meal with Ryan and Verity at our 'regular', the tandori chicken place.. mmm!!!On one of our days here, we got up early and walked to Brinchang.. the tourist town which holds the highlands farms: butterfly, bee and strawberry farms; and one of the biggest tea plantations - Boh Tea. The butterfly farm wasn't anything particularly that special - only the butterflys were pretty huge.. and here it held animals such as snakes, scorpions and spiders. It was good for the equivalant of 1 pound though. The strawberry farm was really good.. the strawberry's were so big and bright red - we had a strawberry sundae here which was to die for! Half of the sundae was sliced up fresh pieces of strawberries which was smothered in two big scoop of homemade ice cream, whipped creeam, sauce and a wafer to finish it off. The bee farm was so good - at the point when we were there, the bee keepers pulled out the honey combs to clean the box's etc - and bee's we're literally flying everywhere!!!! It was amazing to watch.We walked back to the guesthous via Parit waterfall and watch tower. The waterfall was pretty average, and the watch tower was closed for renevation - but it was better than walking along the roads like we did on the way up!
The last day here we spent doing a big trek up to the summit of Gunang Brinchang.. which is one of the highest peak - 6666 ft above sea level! The path on the way up to the summit was really narrow and steep, but was quite clear which made it easier to keep on track. We kept coming up to viewpoints nearer the top - each time we would say to eachother "is this it.."But it wasn't. The walk felt like it went on for aggges.. but eventually when we reached the top it turned out that it took us about 2 hours - the average time to reach the summit. We reached the top to find that alot of people had got a bus up there, and were already viewing the scenary at the watchtower - lazy people! haha. When people had cleared off Chris and I went up.. the views we're amazing!! There were so many mountains surrounding us. We met two lads up on the watch tower, Ben and James. When we were walking back towards the tea plantation and teahouse we found ourselves hitch-hiking a lift off a chinese family - and joined Ben and James who were hanging off the back of the 4X4. It was so crazy, and so much fun. It would have been a big walk back to the plantation so we were really thankful.. and when we got dropped off at the plantation they gave us all some sweetcorn which they pulled out from their boot.
The tea plantation was so nice, as it was sunny day and was huge, the views were outstanding. The tea house overlooked all the plantation so we all got some choccolate cake and tea and relaxed, getting to know each other. It was seriously packed here due to the Chinese New Year holidays so the atmosphere was manic. Afterwards we took a 20min tour around the plantation factory, showing us how they make there tea. They have two types, one blended and the other unblended. They took us through all the process from cutting, drying, crystalising, to seperating the tea. it was really interesting. As it was onyl 20 mins long it kept your concentration as well, which was good. There were so many different types of tea that can be made.
Anyway once we had been educated we started the long haul home, which was about 6km away. We thought it was only fair that we showed the lads where the strawberry farm was for a strawberry sundae, we didn't want to be rude hahaha!!! So yes, we went there again and got another, which worked out really well as it started tipping it down and by the time we had finished, it had pretty much stopped, quite lucky really.
That night we met up with the lads for dinner and some beers as it was our last night. They were really nice and are doing a similar route to us, so maybe we will bump into them in Australia for some beers and a BBQ haha! Our time here has been so amazing and very different to what we have seen so far. It is on our top 5 best places and seemed more like a ski resort in the mountains, however without the snow.
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