Another Life
I slept for fourteen hours last night, awaikening feeling somewhere between sh*t and okay at 10:00 this morning. My neck's still hurting, but the sun-stroke's no more.
After breakfast/smoke and watching 3/4 of Wedding Crashers, Lydia, Kirsty and I set off walking to Phou Kham cave, 6 km out of town.
The walk was an experince in itself: wading through rivers where the bridge had been destroyed in the last monsoon; arguing (diplomatically) with local kids trying to skank us out of cash for an invalid toll bridge (we payed the little b*****s 2000 kip for the three of us, and then told the next three bridges we had no money until they got fed up and just let us through); and got caught in a full-on torrent of rain with no shelter whatsoever.
We arrived there, after the two hours of walking and then had to scale 200ft up the side of the mountain up crude steps and pertruding rocks. No rails. A slip would have meant PAIN, but most likely death.
Regardless, we arrived at the cave opening safely, and the rain had calmed down a bit. Errrr.... then we realised we had no all. We came to a cave and had no torch. How bad is that. Luckily, a local man was lurking about in the shadows with a torch; $2 and we were cruising.
In the entry to the cave there was a buddhist shrine, with a golden buddha lay across a stone tablet; f*ck knows how they got it up there. Inside the cave was like being in a cathedral - the sheer size of it - with stalagmites and stalagtites forming huge pillars everywhere. And there was plenty of gaping holes into nothingness, so naturally I was having a good climb around, trying to find some Indiana Jones type relic from thousands of years ago. No such luck.
On the way back down, the monsoon had restarted, however, rather than wait, and reduce the danger of climbing down wet rocks, we just climbed down anyway. Looking down it was some feat, but we agreed that we couldn't be arsed waiting all the way up here. The rain could last all day.
We had no problems getting down, and at the bottom we chilled, in a straw hut, till when the rain died down and then started walking back.
The rain was on and off all evening. I wasn't in the mood to do anything (still a bit monged from yesterdays antics and todays walking), so I was in bed, asleep, by 21:00.
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