We made it! We're in Athens!
After an early start, walking 45 minutes to get a bus that left at 5am we arrived in Thessaloniki in the north of Greece. Due to the train cut backs there are no boards telling you the time or what platforms trains are at. This caused a slight problem. We booked at train for 10.13, my watch said it was around 8.30, we had loads of time to kill. So just went on the computers and started looking for hostels etc, when Grace notices that all the clocks on the computer are now saying it's past 10. After a quick google search we discover that Greece is in fact 2 hours ahead. A lot of running ensued, and after shouting at the poor woman trying to point us in the right direction, we just about made the train.
It was a 5 hour trip to Athens which went by pretty quickly, although I stayed awake long enough to notice that Greece is a really pretty country, lots of greenery and snow-capped mountains. Athens is a great city. We went to the Acropolis tonight, and as it was getting dark it was all lit up and looked amazing. We walked up this big rock/ hill and get a really good view, loads of people standing about just looking over the city, it was incredible. I'd love to live there just to see that view every day. Once again we splashed out on dinner (this budget thing has gone right out of the window)- more bread, with a traditional greek salad and mousakka.
Now it's time for a relatively early night, going to squeeze as much into tomorrow as possible. We've only got 1 day here as we need to spend most of Thursday travelling in time to get a ferry to take us to Italy :)
- comments Try to see the guards at the palace in their uniform, they do this amazing march whilst on guard. Athens is a great city. Enjoy!
Kayleigh That's probably the only thing we didn't see! Well, we probably missed quite a lot, but Athens is on my list of places to come back too! :)