Second night on koh tao we went to a bar called 'EZ bar' which was the most awesome bar yet - sold spliffs, and cheap buckets. The buckets are deadly, full bottle of sangsom rum (80%) in each one plus concentrated red bull, best of all they give no hangover what so ever. We also met Leon, our resident mantis (they are huge and make the loudest noise, a little like crickets) who danced to kings of leon, good taste.
Next day we hired kayaks and took on what we thought would be a relaxing afternoon floating on the crystal clear water. Round the corner was an even nicer beach with beach huts at 120 quid a night, no thanks, we're budget spenders. There was also a tied up monkey which the girls/jon found very upsetting. After a quick break jumped back on the kayaks and headed for 'shark island' where we were told all the sealife was larger there. Got there, me n jon jumped in but it was so deep couldn't see anything around us, so gave up and paddled back to shore some 2 hours later, burnt and miserable. Next day saw a poster "shark island, we guarantee you'll see a black tip shark with professional guide". We hadn't twigged previously that there were 6-7 foot black tip sharks around the island (you'd thought the name woulda given it away). Wouldn;t look those up mum.
Couple days later we went to sairi beach which is the more touristy beach of koh tao, stupid time to arrive there as all the full moon party-ers filled the place and was impossible to find a place to stay for cheap. Vik/chris ended up in 600 TB a night sht hole with holes in the floorboards and huge cockroaches which made vik cry (mildly panicked).
Evening was great fun, two sangsom buckets each then headed to the beach for a quick late night dip. 8 minutes later came out the water, all of our stuff stolen: vik lost all cards, 1500 TB her camera, jon lost his camera,i only lost my wallet and minimal cash, rach/steve got away scotch free. Pissed off we headed back to our s*** hole, for the next day we went straight to the plice and hopefully the insurance will for once pay off.
We're now on ko phangan which is at the moment very quiet but it's the half moon party on the 18th which we plan on checking out. Apparently this place is even worse for stuff getting nicked but we've all learned from the last time...
All for now folks
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