Today I hoped to visit the Golden Gate Bridge but upon making it to Bus Stop I was informed it was $10 a ticket - ridiculous I said I could walk that so that's what I did. I didn't walk all the way but made it to a nice look out point that had views of both the bridge and Alcatraz. I sat ate lunch and pondered the archaeological magnificence of such a structure. To be honest I really wanted to walk over the bridge so I am thinking of getting there somehow tomorrow. It was incredibly hot again today and probably not the best idea walking miles and miles but when time is short you make the most of it! In the afternoon I went back and met Ell and chilled for a few hours before heading out to this Art Festival thing. We headed to Bart (the train station) got me a ticket and waited for the rest of Ells friends to arrive - Ben, Lauren, Jess, Mckenzie, Greg and Alfonzo. Such a cool group of people and all very different they are a very close group that do everything together - I kind of wish I had such a big and close group of friends like Ells. We made it out to Oakland - other side of the bay and a bit of a rough area. We ended up getting lost, then getting some bad directions before finally making it to Ells friend Mandy's Art show. It was quite cool an old bank building turned into an art exhibition of about 30 artists works - all quite dark and twisted. Mandy's work was cool but unfortunately she wasn't there so I didn't get to meet her. Everyone was hungry so we headed to the market thing that was happening just down the road. It was absolutely mental - all these low riders and gangsta cars with hydraulics and crazy sound systems were parked in this lot showing off their rides - people were dancing, eating, fighting and everything else. We made it to the food part but the lines were crazy in length and to be honest I was a little scared walking through the crowds. The girls got Ethiopian foods but I couldn't find anything so settled for some sardines from the Korean supermarket. The market was closing up so we jumped in Alfrenzos car and headed to my first American house Party. The house was an awsome timber cabin like thing right in the suburbs. Duncan and Torrie were the couple having the party and were also very cool people. We had brought 3 liters of wine so we got into it - I spent the night kicking the soccer ball around with Greg, Alfrenzo and Duncan and learning about America! We called it a night and headed home at about 12!
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