Hello Blog Fans,
Sorry its been so long, we know you have all be waiting in anticipation to find out our next adventure. Well in truth we really havent been doing anything, and we felt we would really bore and upset you if you logged on and all you read was: -
Day one in Brisbane: we drank, relaxed and fished
Day Two: - We drank relaxed and fished
Day Three: We see where this is going?
But we have chilled out, to explain why we are here, I (justin) knew of an old friend, Phil, who lived in Brisbane, after putting in a call he said we should make our way up to him from Sydney ASAP as he was only around for a few days (he works on gold mining rigs all over the country) So Amy and I planned our way to Brisbane, a long slog on the bus which did't help when we got a puncture at 7.30am, delaying us by 2 hours.
On arrival we immediately set about putting the world to rights by consuming alot of alcohol and catching up on old times, needless to say it was a messy few nights, but we had a great time, with some great pictures, which came in handy to recall what actually happend. Phil has an excellent apartment on the waterfront with views of the city, he even had a boat for fishing, stupidly trusting Amy to drive it, and almost crashing in to a ferry (it wasnt that close really, so no heart attacks please parents). But fishing was great, mainly catching Cat Fish and Breem, I was dreeding fishing as I spent most my childhood holidays fishing on the river Cam and not catching a bloody thing over a 10 year period. Amy found it hard to come to terms with fishing, sitting still and keeping quiet isn't her strongest attribute, and we didn't have enough paracetamol for all the fish, but as it turns out she done really well, catching a couple of large twigs and branches, oh and a few fish of course.
Phil has since gone, allowing us to use his flat, car and fishing gear,not forgetting the access we have to the private river side pool and roof top. Now you know why we have been here a while because its also been rent free. (don't worry we will show our appreciation)
Well we have to pick up our Chinese Visas on Monday and are planning to head to Byron tomorrow. Its going to be tough to get back in to the backpacking after living it up for a while.
We are off for some more chillaxing and fishing. Until next time, love to you all.
p.s For all those that were interested in our tour complaint, we got a refund, did you expect anything less. (we didnt think so)
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