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Antigua, Guatemala
Lise Danino Gøy å ( endelig ) lese litt om opplevelsene fra Guatemala, gleder meg til neste blogg..men vil heller at opplevelsene skal komme tettere enn bilder/blogging. God tur videre, vær forsiktige!!
re: Guatemala - Et sted aa dra til!Ellen Christine Labori For en opplevelse utrolig flotte og morsomme bilder!!!
re: photo from 21 March 2012Chunnya I have had Medicare since about 1999/2000. Medicare pays 80% of what they consider is senroaable cost. Believe me that isn't much. For example: Suppose I have a bill of $1000. Medicare determines that senroaable cost is $400; they pay 80% of that. And even though I have a private insurance which supplements Medicare, Medicare still sets the senroaable cost which means in my example that my private insurance will pay 20% of $400. Whoever performed the service (doctor, hospital, whoever) is out $600. When my doctor retired about five years ago I called four places which wouldn't take me on as a patient because I have Medicare.Even though private insurance companies are in it for profit, because they charge much higher premiums than the government does for Medicare, they can afford to pay more out because of those higher premiums. It's truly a case of you getting what you pay for.Because I don't work, Medicare is primary and my Blue Cross/Blue Shield is secondary so Medicare sets the reimbursement rate. Secondary insurers REQUIRE that a person be entitled to Medicare if they are eligible to cut down on the costs of the secondary insurance.If I didn't have Medicare and I wasn't eligible for it, my Blue Cross/Blue Shield would be reimbursing my doctors and hospitals at a much higher rate than what Medicare does.Now why doesn't everyone in the United States have Medicare? The insurance companies wouldn't stand for it and the medical community would be backing them up. Our representatives and senators wouldn't dare extend Medicare to all Americans!Frankly I think Medicare should be extended to everyone with increased premium rates and higher payments to providers of services and it could be administered through the private companies. But who am I?
re: Gap Adventures - 12 Amazing days!Mikele Hola soy un comprador sadiuo de las botas de hombre de caf1a corta pero desde hace varias compras dedichas botas e notado que las suelas resvalan muchisimo en suelos humedos , tengo tambien unas sandalias panama y estas no resvalan nada.Pense que era por algunproducto de limpieza de suelos pero pero en las acera de mi ciudad es aun peor.Por favor que puedo hacer para que esto no me vulva a pasar.
re: PanamaFelix The simple asnewr is Freedom of Choice. First of all you must understand that there is a great deal of fraud involved with Government run Medicare. Scam artists regularly milk Medicare out of BILLIONS of dollars. Private insurance companies are out to make a profit and therefore investigate the claims much better.It should also be noted that Medicare has approx $1100 deductible each year for hospital coverage and $162 per year for Outpatient deductible. After that the member is responsible for 20% co-insurance. Add to that the fact that there is no routine dental coverage, no routine vision coverage and no prescription drug coverage.Private plans are requires by law to follow federal guidelines that either meet or exceed original Medicare coverage. Most of them far exceed these guidelines. Many plans offer dental, vision part d coverage and even health and wellness, transportation and/or fitness classes (health club memberships)The private insurance companies receive a set monthly per member fee as determined by our federal government and not a percentage. If this amount is less than the cost of care for a certain individual the insurance company is liable to pay with no additional reimbursement.Insurance is actually defined as pure-risk but closely monitored by underwriters. They have an idea of what health care costs but there are so many variables that there is no clear cut number that can actually be obtained. It is all based upon estimates.Private insurance competes for more business and thus offers additional benefits and lower co-payments in order to entice more people to join their plan. We can all keep blaming the big bad insurance companies or give the reigns over to the government who will dictate what we deserve and what they feel we need. What a novel idea. Our government thinks they are more intelligent than we are and has decided that we are too stupid to decide what is best for ourselves.With all of that being said. Everyone still has a choice to have original Medicare or choose a private plan. Medicare advantage is growing at an incredible pace and there are over 11 million seniors and growing who have made this choice. I will side with Seniors on this one. They know what works because they use these programs every day. Not everyone will ever have the same opinion but the overwhelming majority of seniors will tell you quit screwing with my Medicare They like what they have
re: Gap Adventures - 12 Amazing days!Hemanthkumar Se5 bra at dere har bestemt dere for e5 gjf8re ting dere har lyst til! Tror det kan ve6re lurt Ne5 skal ikke jeg virke kmpjee nerd, men det ser litt ut som de solbrillene den apen har tatt er fra hm? . haha
re: Jaguar Rescue CenterDesmond | Jeg har lyst til e5 begraves miljf8vennlig. Vanlige, mreodne kister er utrolig lite miljf8vennlig, av mange grunner, men ne5 finnes det stadig flere (raskere) biologisk nedbrytbare alternativer som flettede kister, sterkt papir osv. Ikke at jeg ville hatt noe imot e5 kremeres heller, jeg er jo tross alt df8d, og ingen skylder den df8de kroppen min noe som helst. Uansett, jeg liker kirkege5rder, siden de minner oss om at vi tross alt skal df8. Vi har et veldig unaturlig forhold til df8den i ve5rt samfunn, og jeg mener vi trenger flere pe5minnere om at df8den er uunnge5elig, og at det ikke er noe galt i det. Det er ganske mange religioner og filosofer som snakker om at vi me5 df8 ff8r vi kan leve. Jf8der kan forresten ikke kremeres.Heidis siste blogginnlegg..
re: Recoletta gravplassEdilson Love it...always amazing to me to see how kids can rellay sleep anywhere! We haven't done in traveling in Central or South America YET...but hope we can make it with our kids in the future. Looks like a lovely beach walk.
re: PanamaSephia | Spire:Hvorfor bf8r du kremeres baerst pe5 det jeg sier om religion? Jeg tok ikke den helt Maren:Sjansen er faktisk helt ikke-eksisterende ;) Men jeg tror ikke du trenger e5 bekymre deg for e5 ve5kne til live under jorden, for det gjf8res nemlig se5pass mange undersf8kelser av deg ff8r du begraves at sikkerheten om at du faktisk er df8d er se5 ne6r opp til (om ikke akkurat) 100 % som det er mulig.Vrangpeis:BOOOOM! Takk for meg ;) Hehe, er ikke uenig i det du sier, selv om en litt mindre voldelig df8d nok hadde ve6rt lettere e5 svelge for mine etterlatte.Joakim:Det vil altse5 si at du setter ditt f8nske om e5 kremeres over dine etterlattes f8nsker, eller har du diskutert dette med dem?Lars F:Det er jo den mest vanlige me5ten e5 avslutte livet pe5, se5 det er ikke rart. De fe6rreste av oss tenker nok se5 veldig mye over akkurat dette (enda). Takk for at du backer opp med litt biblefacts ;)Heidi:Hf8res veldig bra ut det :) Liker din f8kologiske tankegang.Dan:Jepp, men hva f8nsker du?Line:Hehe, nei, forhe5pentligvis ikke enda :) Men er det noen spesiell grunn til at du f8nsker e5 begraves fremfor e5 kremeres? Bare god gammeldags tradisjon, eller har du noen annen grunn? Kille:Tf8mming er viktig. Det ser ut til at vi er veldig enige med tanke pe5 hvor vi i se5 fall f8nsker e5 spres, og det er jo hyggelig. Vi kan tilbringe evigheten sammen som sme5 stf8vkorn i vannet ;)Det er hyggelig e5 se at du tar hensyn til dine etterlatte. Hva da om dine etterlatte har et sterkt f8nske om e5 ha ei fast grav e5 besf8ke; ville du da muligens ombestemt deg?
re: Recoletta gravplass- last visited
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- Oslo, Norway
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Ehlanzeni, South Africa
- Kruger Park, South Africa
- Bilene Macia, Mozambique
- Manzini, Swaziland
- Zuluriket, South Africa
- Durban, South Africa
- Cape Town, South Africa
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Panama By, Panama
- Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica
- Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
- Lanquín, Guatemala
- Flores, Guatemala
- Caye Corker, Belize
- Tulum, Mexico
- Cancún, Mexico
- Havana, Cuba
- Nassau, Bahamas
- Los Angeles, California
- San Diego, California
- Phoenix, Oregon
- Grand Canyon, Arizona
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Yosemite National Park, California
- San Francisco, California
- New York, New York
Lise Danino Gøy å ( endelig ) lese litt om opplevelsene fra Guatemala, gleder meg til neste blogg..men vil heller at opplevelsene skal komme tettere enn bilder/blogging. God tur videre, vær forsiktige!!