hi all sorry we havnt filled this in for a while..... out bungalows have free wi fi but its a pain in the ass on the phone so waited till we cane to the internet cafe again.......
so much to tell firstly the weathers been s***.... dull rainy cloudy every afternoon....... and lovely at nite. still really hot tho so a bit pissed off cos theres not much to do when weather bad in day. been havin naps like laura... god thats girl can sleep.... jealous....... people tahts run bunalows r lovely n got us playin this card game for hours at at time. good laff......
got told to go to a bar tahts a but doen the road cos a friend on my facebooks mate runs it so the other nite we walked down... havin to pass all the dodgy lady bars where all the dirty old men hang out with the young thai birds. yak...... they was evan tryin to get us in lol. hahah
we found the bar and turns out the girl wasnt there thats nite but a guy from halifax was workin there so we stayed and had a few cocktails on the beach and next min some more people comes idowen and one of um was from hudds ands drinks round golcar and knows a lot of ppl i know. small world eh.....
yeaterday (sat) was a very busy day. we paid like 1800 tbh(38 quid) to do this rainforest adventure day.
we wear up ayt 8 to get ready and was well happy to c the sun shinging bright.....
heres what we did
picked up and taken sumwhere for breakfast where we met up with the others doin the trip....then we set off...
went to a thai boxin stadum and watche um train. a few people had a go.....
went to the waterfall n climbed up it.... i only went halfway cos i was wearin sum crocks tahgtsd wear too big for men n was afraid i was gonna break my kneck and sensible laura had put pumps on.......
went to this chinease teple place right up on the hills... nice views but was beginin to get cloudy.
went to the north of the island where there is a tiny island tahts u can sometine walk ablong the sand to dependin on the tide. we wear suppose to be snorklin there but it was a little roughh so not really cleapr enough so just had a swim...
( we wear told tahts a few days b4 theyd had a tusami there .... just a small one. was 7 meters high but it washed away a couyple of fishin boats and there wear1 person dead and 3 people missing.....)
as we wear driving away the rain started to poad and we went to play archary.. i was pretty rubbisdh but laura came 2nd out of 9 so she did good....
then we went for thai lunch. was yummy n had homemade thai icecream for afters... we all passed on the sweetcorn flavour....
then we headed to the elepant park where we did elephant treaking... was so scary at 1st. its so high and seems so unsafe but when we wear almost at the end out deriver man jusped down n told me jto jump on the neck where he was sat. i chickned out but luars like alright then so rode on the back of the head for the last 5 mins... hahah was so funny. after we fed her lots of bananas... she was so cute
newt we headed to ther canape and zip line part of the day where we all got harsessed up and shown how to use the saftey clips and stuff as we go round the top of the treetops on our own and have to know what to do and make sure we are always wired up incase we fall when it started lashing in doen and thundering. so we had to hold off for ten misn as its not sare to be up there during a we set off 1st on a zipwirte and then there war like rope ladder thing u had to balance on high in the jungle to make your way to ther nezt zip line. the zip lines wear so fun but the walkways wear the scarest thing ive everr dojne. was pertrified. ev re one knows how clumsy and unbalance i am... i was like s*** s*** s*** most of the way round and WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO on all the zip bits..... laura was in front of me when i hears a ARGGHGHHHHHHHHHHHH and look forward and shed slipped (cos as well as been wobberly it was also wet) the was tahalf sat on and hlf hanginf onff this 4 ince plank of wood and it took about ten mins and a whole lot of "COME ON LAURA YOU CAN DO IT.... 3 .... 2...... 1 GO"from the rest of the tean for her to get the power to hoist hersef back up...... at the point i still had thats bit to do and wanted to cry i was liek........... IM GONNA FALL TOOO IM GONNA FALL TOO........ but thantfull we all made it to the the enf all hyper from all the adrenalin.......WE SURVIVED......
next we wnrt to this herble saura and the got dropped off back to our holels... was a fun and eventfull day and we still had the best to coem
we headed there fairly earlie was our driver from the day ( mr tattoo fire man) well thats what we called him was workin theone of the fire shows until 11
so we got there got some bucked 150 thb #quid) which had a full meduiium size bottle of smirnoff in it and and got pained up.... was very funny and a good nite and bumped in to lotasa randon ppl we d meyt on our trip...... we didnt make it all nite due to been drunk and very tired after the long day with the earlie start so came back bout 430
today the weather is finally sunny and really hot so been on the beach and are about to book to head toward the other side of thialand tom to a place called railey beach....gonna get some lunch now and prob head back to the beach if the sun stays out......
hope yr all well and not missuin us too much.... much love jules n laura xxx
so silly me got a bit burnt. i onlty sat out for bout 3 hrs and kept puttin cream on.... me thinks f 15 is just not strong enough for this tropical heat.........we was gonna go to a waterfall party on our last nite but laura decided she didnt wana go as shed spent too much money at the full moon party the night b4... so we just had a steady one at the sports bar near our bungalows.......they do the best pizzas ever.......andf the liverpool game was evan on....... we had to che3ck out at 10 30 and the guys from the hotel took us to the pier ready for our ferry to the mainland.then we wear gettin a bus over to Ao Nang(which is the beach bit of Krabi)so we are headin in the right direction for our flight out of phucket on the 29th......
we slapped ourself in suncream as it was scorching and got to the pier and got to the back of this huge q.....(everyone deserts koh phangan the few days after the full moon party) as we wear in this q it suggenly went dark and there was a huge black cloud abouve us.......the next thing is was pounching it down and we wear all gettin soaked....... 1000s of backpackers not very happy that the thais wouldnt work at a normal pace.... ev re thing seens so slow and backwards over here... lol........ so i was light ok no my phone.... my i pod( sorry my brothers i pod ) my camera... cos ev re thing was gettin soaked.........well ev re thing in our small bags...... luckily we had a rain cover for our big packs... well eventually we got on to the ferry bloody drenched right thu to our pants and had a couple of hours freezin and soaked on the ferry....... so it was hard to enjoy the most turqcoise sea id ever seen.......lucky wen we got to the mainland u coulnt evan tell it d been rainin and we got changed b4 we got on our2 1/2 hrs bus ride to we booked a hotel for when we got to ao nang. i was tryin to demand one near the beach with air con for no more than 800 tb a nite... but they didnt have any and we needed air con after 5 days on koh phangan with 2 big fans.... we ended up payin 900 so not too bad.... we prob coulda founs dummot cheaper when we got here but coulnt be arsed we are now in Ao Nang
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