hi all so we are now back in bangkok.... had to come back here to get to the islands of thailand as we couldnt go staright from cambodia to there....
we got an overnight bus at 2am last night so we didnt have to pay for a night acc and didnt waste today on a bus
was about 9 hrs here which was ok at 1st cos the whole bus was sleepin....yes evan me. n then its a propper pain in the ass goin thu the overland boarder crossing cos u have to offically depart 1 country then walk a but and enter the other.... lots of hot swaety qs...then we had a mini bus back to khoesan road where we stayted last time we wear here......
not done much today just looked in the shops n stuff n had food n drink and we ve booked a vip bus /boat to koh phangan tonight...650 thb which is 13 quid.
we didint wana waste anymore time here. so can sleep on the bus again n hit the beach tom after wv ve got sum more sun cream cos silly laurs only bought a tiny bottler of f15 n weve used all the f 40 i bought ther other day when we both burnt round the pool........... will be the 1st beach weve seen.... hoping we will find somewhere decent and not too expensive to stay cos its the full moon party on 19th and ev re 1 goes to thats..usually about 30 thousand ppl partying on the beach cant wait.... we will have to handcuff ourselves together so we dont get lost hehehhe
chow for now......
maybe ill bve able to persuade laura to write it newt time son u all dnt have to put up with my horrid typing... hahah
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