Hi all,
My last night in Sufers was ace. I met Kristy and her mum to to up the Q1 tower. Got some fab snaps. Went for dinner afterwards and her mum (Chris - the same as my mummy!) gave me a pressie. She made me a bookmark and printed off a cute little poem. It was so sweet. She also gave me a little lecture about staying safe, calling home often and not getting too drunk (totally like my mum too!) It was a lovely evening. Kristy and I will stay in touch and may even do the old fashioned thing of writing to each other (she's not really into technology!)
Got to Brisbane today around 11.30. Checked into the Tinbilly hostel. Not bad and looks clean. Also got a bottom bunk - bonus!
Went off in search of a travel company who could plan the rest of my 6 weeks in Oz and spent the whole day there (they let me on the internet for free hence all the emails I've sent today and the blog update!)
Have now booked my Fraser Island camping trip, Whitsunday sailing trip, surf lessons, white water rafting, sky diving, cape tribulation rainforest, snorkelling on the great barrier reef, a 3 day trip to the outback, a 3 day trip to Ayers rock and loads more!
Can't wait to get started! Brisbane is a bit dull. Am going to do my washing tonight and treat myself to the cinema.
Oh, I forgot to tell you about the other dorm in Sufers and how I woke up one morning in the wilderness! Firstly, there was a lizard on my bag. It was only the size of a 10p so I flicked it off and trod on it (I love nature!) then there was a huge cockroach in the bathroom. Someone tried to kill it with a Steve Irwin leaflet but was too scared so we had to get reception to do it. Then, once everyone had gone out I was making my brekkie and a bird flew in and landed on the table!
How am I ever going to survive on these camping trips?!!
All for now. Will post another blog once I've done something fun in Brissy.
Loads of love xxx
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