This is the third day of my journey. What happened so far:
1st day (1 of April):
After traveling 23 hours from one house door to another I finally got to the home of my first Couchsurfer, Daniel Urra, living in the district Congreso in Buenos Aires. At the airport he was holding a big sign with my name - I had never been greeted this way before. Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina with over 13 million people - that is a third of all Argentine inhabitants!! I've already noticed that this city is a "locura" (madness) like my host calls it.
The first evening on the 1 of april I spent together with Daniel in a nice restaurant drinking grapefruit juice, talking about languages, traveling, politics, family and much more. He is a very nice, warm-hearted and generous guy with good humour and a lot of kowledge. His English skills are impressive in spite of having it learned on his own by reading English and traveling.
Sharing the flat in the 11th floor of a high building near the Congress of Argentina with Daniel, his cousin, his cousin's nearly grown up daughters and their dog Timoteo, I slept well although I served as a rich meal for the mosquitos. I am really scared from Argentine mosquitos because my doctor told me that they carry dangerous illnesses from which some are not treatable. Daniel thinks I'm a scaredy cat (= paranoide).
Btw: If you want to know what couchsurfing is, take a look at its website:!
2nd day (2 of April):
We got up very early and left the apartment at 8.30 am. Luckily it was a national holiday - the 30th anniversary of the Malvinas combined with good weather. So we had the perfect preconditions for a nice day in Buenos Aires.
The following 10 hours we walked through the central districts San Nicolas, Montserrat y Puerto Madero. We strolled through one of the main streets (Calle Mayo), visited the presidential residence named Casa Rosada (Pink House) where the guide showed us a kind of shrine of the football "good" Maradona, got fascinated by a floating ship museum (including a dead stuffed dog), crossed the Puente de la Mujer ("Women's Bridge"), ate pears lying on the grass of a beautiful park full of mosquitos, where surprised by the intensity of the autumn's sun, took a three-hours lasting walk through the Reserva Natural Costanera Sur (National Park which is located nearby the center of Buenos Aires) where we saw a huge wild Leguan, the gigant Río de la Plata (you cannot see the horizon on the other side!!), beautiful plants, lots of butterflies, ants carrying relatively big leaves, wild bananas and other sweating porteños (inhabitants of Buenos Aires) and tourists. Following that our attention got caught by a group of street comedians who used a very dirty language but were good entertainment. Unluckily for Daniel they chose him to be part of their dirty comedy for a few minutes ;)
Apart from all the fascinating, beautiful sights I also have to admit, that Buenos Aires has its less beautiful aspects. The streets are partially broken and everywhere it's dirty. I saw lots of homeless people looking hopeless (even a newborn baby lying on cushion beside a street crossing), chaos everywhere and reckless car drivers.
Finally, after seeing all this, we were totally exhausted (10 hours walking without having a proper meal). Therefore we decided to buy some food and bake a pizza at Cristian's place. Cristian is a neighbour of Daniel's and comes from Peru. As he is a "real" native guy from Peru he made us the national drink of Peru: Pisco Sour. It is an ice cold cocktail made from wodka, lemon juice, sprite, white of egg and sugar - DELICIOUS!! As we were sitting there, sipping Pisco sour and gluttoning pizza we talked about Cristian's home country and its music. We also organised a bit of my journey as far it was possible. I am a really lucky person to got to know Daniel and Cristian - they're awesome!!
(To be honest, during the last few weeks I did not have the time to organise the journey well so much of it tends to happen more or less by chance.) Before falling into our beds I organised a couchsurfer in Mar del Plata, my next stop.
3rd day (3 of April)
Once again we got up very early although we went to bed late. After having "dulce de batata" (sweet jelly made of sweet potatoe), crackers with cheese cream, bananas, Austrian whole grain bread and black tea for breakfast we were looking for a new mobile phone for me because my old one does not work here. After 3 hours searching and at the same time walking through the district Montserrat, we finally found one which I had to exchange for another a few hours later because it did not work well.
As Daniel had to go to work around midday I used the time to do research on the Internet, walk to the old port of BA (Puerto Madero) and walk a bit through San Telmo, a beautiful old district. As I did not use the subway ("Subte") it took me much time to get there and away.
In the evening I decided to write this blog and here it is - I hope you all have no problems to understand my miserable English and enjoy reading it!
- comments
Mario Estimados amigos, eniescto comunicarme con algunos de ustedes de forma urgente, ya que he decidido junto a mi hijo Pedro, que este1 terminando 4ba Medio en Chile, se vaya a estudiar a la UBA. Necesito tener algunos datos de ustedes para comunicarme.Desde Concepcif3n Chile.Atte.c1lvaro Galindo G.Profesor Universitario.