Journey of Madness // Viaje de Locura
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Finally I arrived in Lima, capital of Peru, last stop of my journey. At this point of time I was not really eager any more to do a lot of things. I felt in need of holidays. That may sound strange to you but I can tell you: to sunbathe on the beach owned by a hotel in Mallorca or to do backpacking e.g. in South America are two very differ…
I hope you enjoy reading about my journey. I don't know yet whether it will be up to date all the time but you will see if you're interested!!
There were only a few friends and relatives who did not declare me crazy when I told them that I want to quit university and travel for more than two months through South America. Why South America? Because listening to latinamerican music as a 13-years old I got fascinated by the part of the world where the music comes from. Now I'm travelin…
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Lima, Peru

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Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Lima, Peru
Finally I arrived in Lima, capital of Peru, last stop of my journey. At this point of time I was not really eager any more to do a lot of things. I felt in need of holidays. That may sound st…

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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Leaving back Pascal (returning slowly to Panama) and Katerina (heading to Rio do Janeiro) in Iguazú was quite hard for Pascal's sister Marion and me. However, saying goodbye was still possib…

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Salta, Argentina
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julia I have to admit that I'm more into national parks than into urban architecture. However, I found San Juan more charming than many other cities in Argentina I visited :) btw: do I know you??
re: Ischigualasto and Difunta CorreaMartin Great post, I've been in San Juan several times and I'd never heard the Difunta Correa story, pretty intresting. I disagree with you in one aspect though. While it's true that most historical buildings were destroyed, there are some modern buildings which well deserve a visit. The most striking exaple (and my favorite hotel in San Juan , in my opinion, is Del Bono Park, a marvel of modern architecture.
re: Ischigualasto and Difunta CorreaNurlan because the ghost adventures and most hauentd people travel to differant places. and it also gives people a better ghost show than that stupid ghost hunters show on syfy.
re: bombillas de MateRose , 1-Count Brush (Misc.) i have been using l'occitane shaving brush for 8 hrs or so, love it. only flaw is that hairs would somieemts dislodge, but not a big deal. recently, the brush broke out of the metal casing. my wife bought a new one for me, and it is horrible! the ends are prickly, stiff. and hurt. i am now gluing my old one back together and will return the new one. too bad, first bad experience with l'occitane.
re: churchFede I applaud all of you on a phenemonal performance in Buenos Aires. I was fortunate enough to meet you on the plane down to Argentina, therefore knew about the concert in Bs. As. Having grown up in an Argentinian household I am quite familiar with tango music and Por Una Cabeza is one of my favorites. You should all be very proud of your performance it was brilliant! I am also very happy that you were able to see a portion of Argentina and enjoy the beauty and the passion of the country and the people as well. I hope you are all able to return soon.Sincerely,Lisa Andersen
re: From Buenos Aires to Mar del PlataNarravulapeddireddy the colors she pikced are amazing! i love the way that it's dressy without being at all fussy, like most flower girl dresses . i cannot wait to try this pattern out on my daughter and nieces. i'm already daydreaming about the many different ways in which i plan on making up this.
re: Leila and GiuliaPavel russ.: я́блочное пюре́ very nice ^^
re: The Cataratas of IguazúAnna hola chica! Just a short question: How did you got "ripped off"?! Besos y abrazos de Austria :)
re: Salta - La Linda (Salta - The beautiful)julia I forgot to mention that I also bought a new pair of fancy blue shoes because my trekking shoes start hurting my feet after Torres del Paine. AND I went to a hairdresser and got a new hairstyle :)
re: "Beautiful Stress" in Mendoza :)julia desde argentina Papa: Freut mich, dass dir meine Eintraege gefallen :) Schliesslich schreibe ich stundenlang an ihnen rum... Pasha from Russia: Oh yes, RUSSIA IS EVERYWHERE *hehe* And you're right, getting to know new people is more than half of the impressions of a journey. Btw: I hope your thesis was very much liked ;)
re: Missed so much in Chocolate town :/Pasha from Russia Mamushka! In Argentina! :D Short descriptions of people are very nice. I think new people = more than half of impressions.
re: Missed so much in Chocolate town :/Papa Hallo Julia, danke für deine Einträge. Sie sind sehr interressant und informativ! Ich hoffe, due wirst auch weiterhin deine Reise in vollen Zügen geniessen. Alles Liebe. Papa. P.S. Bitte nicht vergessen dich, jeder 3. od. 4. Tag zu melden.
re: Missed so much in Chocolate town :/julia by far the most extreme thing I and my body ha've ever done so far in my life...
re: Parque Nacional Torres del PaineMaicon around 600 or 590 to get a secured cdreit cardif you have a bank account you could try to increase your cdreit score by buying a CD (Certificate of Deposit) You basically lend your bank money for six or seven months and after the term you get your money back with a little interest and a boost in your cdreit score. Some banks start CD from as low as $500 some others like Chase I think is like $1000
re: still in BAIRES