Part 47: Destination ?.......
I contacted my insurance company in regards to a claim and they instructed me to obtain a police report.
The district where my wallet was stolen, rather conveniently had a tiny police depot close to me.
Since I had nothing to lose, I chose to pay them a visit and see if I could get one.
Although slightly weary with thoughts of bribery and corruption stories in the back of my mind.
It was more like a small wooden hut than a police station, with a very noticeable, but worrying sign etched clearly on the door reading.
'Do not enter without permission, or you will be shot!!!'
I thought - great, now what?
Since I was not willing to take a risk by even attempting to knock on the blue wooden door - I just stood there for few minutes instead, before an officer came out looking me up and down with a complete look of bewilderment, as if to say 'who the f**k are you'
I just stood there for a moment before he said in a strong tagalog accent
'Hey man..niiiiice tattooooo's!!'
'Thanks' I replied as he prompted me to come in.
Inside, there were five other officers watching American wrestling on a old portable TV set - all had guns, all looked at me.
The first officer pointed out my tattoo on my arm to them as they all stood around me.
'Its my father in the Italian army' I told them'
'Aahhhhh really... Italiano?' they said.
I was in, they liked me thank god, thanks in no small part to my dad.
The officers were friendly, funny and really helpful when I told them my story, even mocking me. They took a statement, then told me to come back in an hour.
There was a Jollie-bee joint across the road, so I went there for lunch.
Suddenly remembering my friends advice to take the policemen an offering for their time - I took them Jollie-bee junk food in a brown bag - they loved it!!
The secretary handed me a poorly punctuated typed statement that would even make my spelling look great in comparison.
Still, there was no way I was going to tell them that. Anyway, I thanked the friendly officers and went on my way.
I was determined not to waste anymore time with my card now, eager to leave it all behind me, especially with the rain season almost upon us, I decided my next destination would be to head further South.
I'd never seen such clouds ascending in my life. Dark, dramatic, with wind and rain so hard it resembled the apocalypse.
Mid afternoons sometimes turn as black as night. The speed in which the weather can go from sunny to thunder was staggering!
And this was but a taste of things to come I was told. The area near my condo was particularly prone to flooding.
This was turning into a strange week. I had very mixed feelings about leaving.
In truth, had it not been for the rain season, then I would have continued to base myself in Manila, travelling around Asia from here, especially since I sussed immigration out now.
After checking flights out of Philippines, most were now more than double the price I was being quoted previously, which was a big blow to my budget, but sadly it was time to move on.
A few nights ago I sat in my condo looking out the window eating dinner late one evening.
There was a lightning storm in the distance that was drawing closer and closer. That distinctive smell in the air before a rain storm was prominent.
Then almost out of nowhere, I felt the whole room shake left to right like jelly, it played havoc with my senses and took me a moment to figure out what just happened.
The shake only lasted a few seconds or so, but it was a bizarre feeling when I stood up - much like getting out of a car after a long winding journey.
Cy texted me a few minutes later, asking me to switch on the television set. There was a news flash of a richter scale 5 earth quake north of Manila in Luzon, and I felt all of it!!
Not just a little one either, but a tremor enough to shake the whole condo. It kind of freaked me out, but to everyone here its nothing new.
The last few weeks were not all bad though. Obviously being robbed was a big blow, causing me to rethink my plans, but the main thing was to get through it, which thankfully I did.
Getting away from the UK was not the only reason I wanted to travel.
It was to test myself, push the boundaries, challenge all my previous beliefs about life, to see how I cope alone thousands of miles away from home and develop my character.
So far I was more than happy at the way I'd dealt with the problems of travelling, and believe me, there were plenty.
What ever happens, my journey would not end with this trip. It would only be the beginning.
Over the past few weeks I'd seen even more of Manila and its surrounding provinces - I loved it even more.
Learning about its history and way of life not through a tourists eyes but through a locals eyes.
My journals do not catalogue every experience, but a portion of them.
There were other moments, private ones, other journeys and challenges, good and bad that I'd overcome. Countless people and other backpackers who had left an impression on me. Both brief encounters, or long ones.
More exploration and sightseeing. It would be impossible to write about all of them - but I hope who ever reads this blog can gain a little insight into my travels.
It would be hard to leave the Philippines simply because after a brief wobble, and being hit for six when landing in this incredible city all those months ago, I simply fell in love with the country and its people. Look beyond the chaos, and you will find a country rich in culture, history, morals and natural beauty of likes of which I have never seen.
Focus on the bad, and you will miss all its wonders. No thief was going to taint my feelings.
Indeed it would be hard to say goodbye to all my extended Filipino brothers and sisters.
Unbeknown to me, they arranged a little get together for me. Most of my friends were planning to give me a right send off this coming Saturday - the day before I left.
The rain and storms had relapsed on my last few days, the sky cleared, tempting me into almost staying, but thats how unpredictable the rain season can be. Three consecutive typhoons were forecast this very weekend leaving me a little anxious of my flight.
On Saturday we all met up for food at a trendy Japanese restaurant.
My friends said they would be sad to see me go bless them, telling me they would welcome me back with open arms. After the food they took me to a video Karaoke bar.
This was hilarious and a perfect way to see me off as I was beginning to get emotional.
We drank and sang all night. a mix of love songs, cheesy songs, Tagalog songs.
Before I ended the night with a solo rendition of Stings 'English man in New york'
Now it was time to say goodbye to my friends - I hugged and thanked each and every single one of them.
This was a lot tougher than I thought.
Waving farewell to them before getting in the cab home.
They could not have made me feel more welcome the whole time I was here. And I will never forget their genuine hospitality they showed me.
These were amongst the nicest and most sincere people I had ever met.
It was tough to sleep that night alone.
But I had to compose myself, get it together and prep my backpack.
For I would be back on the road.
Borneo baby, here I come......
- comments
Gino excellent bro
Vman Cool. Thanks bro. Tough saying goodbye to these people.