11 de Diciembre
We've made it to the end of the world! Today we visited an End of the World Museum, and went to the tourist information office and got loads of end of the world passport stamps. Then did some exploring of the Southernmost town in existence. We get home in 8 days!
12 de Diciembre
We went on an awesome walk today. At first it was a normal walk to a glacier but then suddenly we were walking in snow! This is rather unusual to us because this is the Southern hemisphere so it is summer - snow in the summer how wierd, I wonder what winter is like! (Actuallythe man in our B and B told us that last year they had a meter and a half of snow, which is how tall (or short) my mum is!) Unfortunately it was mostly path, but sometimes the path crossed a bit of snow which was snow cool! Half way through the walk we had a lunch break and drank our left over cup-a-soups. When we were nearly finished, it started to snow a little, but the rocky ground was too warm for it to settle. After a while we reached the end. At that point Dad pointed out that the last bit of snow we had walked through was a part of the glacier! That is possible because it wasn't a proper glacier, but a Cirque glacier. A Cirque glacier is an old glacier that has been melted down to snow. Only 7 days until we get home!
13 de Diciembre
We walked along the road until we found the beach, so we walked along that instead (on the beach we found a couple of dead seagulls, and what we think was a dead guanaco),then the beach turned into some woods so we walked through those. We had a picnic, played on a fallen tree - my mum couldn't climb up very far because she is a scaredy cat, but Jack, Dad and I could. Then we went back to the beach and played there a bit more- trying to get an enormous tree trunk into the sea. We walked back to the main road where we hitched a lift back to town. 6 days until it gets normal!
14 de Diciembre
Up early for our plane to Buenos Aires. This is the first time we have properly traveled North since we left Matlock for Alaska nearly 6 months ago. Weird! Finally got to BA. It was boiling! Quickly we found our hotel, and enjoyed the airconditioning. Our 'suite' had two bedrooms and a bathroom as we are being posh here. Before we did anything else though we had to race around town trying to find the Turkish airlines office about our tickets home, but it had moved, by the time we find the right place it had closed. It's closed tomorrow too as it's Sunday. But that is grown up stuff. For dinner we got a takeaway pizza and watched TV. Only 2 days left on the trip (it takes us 3 days to get home)!
15 de Diciembre
In the morning we had a massive buffet breakfast and stuffed ourselfs with food. After that we walked through some parks. The parks were named after other other countries, such as: Plaza Mexico; Plaza Rep. de Honduras; Plaza Rep. de Paquistan (I think that meens Pakistan); Plaza Italiano; Plaza Rep. de Chile; Plaza Rep. Oriental de Uruguay; Plaza Peru; Plaza Canada; Plaza Ecuador; Plaza España; Plaza Rep. del Paraguay; Plaza Francia and Plaza Puerto Argentino! But luckily we didn't go to them all! We only went for a little walk to see a few parks. Next we went to a huge cemetery, and found the mausoleum that Eva Peron (a.k.a. Evita) was buried in. Next door was a mausoleum that was for sale: Dad wants to be buried in that! 4 more days til home!
16 de Diciembre
We stuffed ourselves with breakfast again so we were fit to burst. Then spent the day wondering around Beunos Aires. We found a cranes nest (a nest in the top of a crane, of some bird that I don't know), crossed a fancy looking bridge, played on another and got some drinks. In the evening, we went to the airport, checked in our bags, then waited for the plane. We got on the plane at sometime around midnight, and were given some pasta letters in bolagnase sauce for dinner at about 1am. After that we fell asleep. We get home in only a couple of days!
17 de Diciembre
We spent the day sitting on the plane, watching videos, and eating - apparently at about 3 hours after having our dinner they gave us breakfast, but Jack and I slept through that, dad saved it so we could eat it at a sensible time. Finally, in the evening we arrived at the airport in Istanbul, we found a quiet gate, then lay down on the sofas and went to sleep, as we had to wait 10 hours for our next flight. We get home tomorrow!
18 de Diciembre
We woke up in the airport at around 6am, then got on the plane to Manchester. The journey only took a few hours, which is nothing compared to the 16 hours yesterday! We got breakfast on the plane, and Jack and I watched videos on the tablet. When we got to the airport, we found Mum's and Dad's backpacks, went through immigration and met Grandma and Grandpa, and went home!!!
Well it looks like we made it! Alaska to Patagonia in 6 months (and plenty stops on the way), we have had an amazing adventure, and been to some fantastic places (and some that were not so great, but not many), i hope you have enjoyed reading about it.
Things I will/won't miss
Won't miss: Putting the toilet paper in the bin; Getting up really early to catch a bus/plane/boat (delete as appropriate); Having to pay to use the toilet; A different bed every night; Carrying toilet roll around in my pockets as there was never any in the toilets; Hauling my rucksack around with me; People telling me that my Ojos are muy linda.
Will miss: Having a new adventure every day; Meeting lots of nice people; Speaking Spanish to people; Spending time with my family; Being in so many different and interesting places; People stopping to talk to us all the time.
Big trip statistics!
Miles travelled: 26592 ( give or take a few miles!)
Buses travelled on: 156
night buses slept on: 7
Taxis taken: 54
Boats sailed/ floated on: 31sailed (1 for 4 days/nights)
Areoplanes flown in: 14
Cars hired: 4 + 1 campervan
Horses riden: 4 ( one each)
Hitched lifts: 9
Hostels/ hotels slept in: 57
Campsites camped in: 28
We have had such a great trip, I wonder where we can go for the next one... Looking forward to seeing you all soon. Lots of love from Josie and Jack xx
One last thing, from Anya: One of the things we have all really enjoyed is reading the comments you have sent about the blog, but are there some of you who have been reading and not commenting? It would be great to know how many people have been reading Josie's blog about our adventures. It would be lovely if you could all just post a quick Hi or something after this blog so Josie can find out. Thanks xx
Graaaa What am amazing journey and one I am sure you will never forget. The blog has been brilliant and brought the journey to life for us at home. Thanks for sharing!
Dec 21, 2013
Grandad Well done All and so glad you are all back safe and sound. Way back of course in them times such trips were very different as we never had all those mod cons! Next trip to where, you ask, obviously, Africa and South Africa in particular!
Dec 22, 2013
Adele Howlett (RGSHW) Welcome home to you all. Well done Josie and Jack your blog entries have been awesome, a trip of a lifetime. I have looked forward to receiving your blog updates to find out what adventures you have been up to. Thank you :-)
Dec 22, 2013
Emma Pope Wow - what an amazing adventure. It has been great fun dipping into your blog and I am traveling vicariously through your adventures! Good luck with your trip home - Derby might seem a little dull......
Dec 22, 2013
Therese smith It has been great to follow your journey and Josie and jacks descriptions of the places you have been to have been excellent . I enjoyed hearing about all the places you have visited but Peru was my favourite as I have been there and it brought back happy memories of when I was there
Dec 22, 2013
Wendy Hi, welcome home - I know quite a few from work have been following you & I've been filling everyone else in on the bits I could remember ... animal encounters, Jack's rock, Spanish lessons, close encounters with crabs & speedboats, falling down muddy banks, glorious beaches, famous landmarks!!! You name it, you seem to have done it. It's been great being able to follow where you are & dream about what you're all up to. Back to Brownies on the 9th - see you there Josie!
Dec 22, 2013
Karl, Chris, John and Lizzie. We've been silently following you and it looks to have been a great 6 months. Hope you've brought us a stick of rock back. See you soon.
Dec 22, 2013
Helen, Ewan and Megan Welcome home! Have really enjoyed reading your entertaining blogs and hearing about all the amazing, wonderful things you've been up to and places you've been to. What an experience!! Glad it all went so well. Have a great Christmas!
Dec 22, 2013
Dave & Helen Josie, Jack well, we have read every one and loved hearing about your travels and following your progress. I hope this adventure will be the first of many. Dave & Helen, No2, Mt Pleasant
Dec 23, 2013
Charlotte Wow! Impressive statistics! What a brilliant adventure!
Dec 23, 2013
Garage and the Whippet Hi Josie ! By the way you missed out the statistics about how many bean and rice meals you ate . What an ace adventure you are a super travel writer! see you again in the holidays for another adventure after christmas xxx xxx
Dec 23, 2013
Emma I have been glued to your updates and very jealous it sounds amazing! I want to do exactly the same now.
Dec 23, 2013
grandma It has been great to read about your adventures and wonderful to share them for a short while. I hope daddy has enough pants now that he is home. You write really well Josie and I liked Jacks funny stories. Glad that we could meet you at Manchester. It is good to have you all home. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Dec 23, 2013
Tammy You're blog was the best blog I've ever read! It was funny and clever and very informative! Glad to have you all home now though! Lots and lots of love xxxxx
Dec 23, 2013
maddie hey Josie, I can't wait to see you again. your blog has been really interesting-you sound like you've had a great time.
Dec 24, 2013
Team Fryatt (Uncle Lee, Aunty Nicola & cousin Jude Hi Team Grist! Yes we have enjoyed reading your excellent blog and looking at your many photos. Jude has loved listening to your blogs as his daddy has read them out to him. Jude now wants us to go on an adventure ourselves! Looking forward to seeing you all later and hearing all your stories! Lots of love Team Fryatt x
Dec 28, 2013
Kieran McQuaid Hi Josie We've been following quietly in the background and have really enjoyed reading about your journey and seeing your pictures. I think that you've had an amazing trip - and will now be fielding lots of questions on why we can't follow in your footsteps. Kieran, Ruth, Jamie, Bruce & Audrey.
Jan 8, 2014
Tom Grundman ive been reading but not commenting often!!!loved the blog!
- comments
Graaaa What am amazing journey and one I am sure you will never forget. The blog has been brilliant and brought the journey to life for us at home. Thanks for sharing!
Grandad Well done All and so glad you are all back safe and sound. Way back of course in them times such trips were very different as we never had all those mod cons! Next trip to where, you ask, obviously, Africa and South Africa in particular!
Adele Howlett (RGSHW) Welcome home to you all. Well done Josie and Jack your blog entries have been awesome, a trip of a lifetime. I have looked forward to receiving your blog updates to find out what adventures you have been up to. Thank you :-)
Emma Pope Wow - what an amazing adventure. It has been great fun dipping into your blog and I am traveling vicariously through your adventures! Good luck with your trip home - Derby might seem a little dull......
Therese smith It has been great to follow your journey and Josie and jacks descriptions of the places you have been to have been excellent . I enjoyed hearing about all the places you have visited but Peru was my favourite as I have been there and it brought back happy memories of when I was there
Wendy Hi, welcome home - I know quite a few from work have been following you & I've been filling everyone else in on the bits I could remember ... animal encounters, Jack's rock, Spanish lessons, close encounters with crabs & speedboats, falling down muddy banks, glorious beaches, famous landmarks!!! You name it, you seem to have done it. It's been great being able to follow where you are & dream about what you're all up to. Back to Brownies on the 9th - see you there Josie!
Karl, Chris, John and Lizzie. We've been silently following you and it looks to have been a great 6 months. Hope you've brought us a stick of rock back. See you soon.
Helen, Ewan and Megan Welcome home! Have really enjoyed reading your entertaining blogs and hearing about all the amazing, wonderful things you've been up to and places you've been to. What an experience!! Glad it all went so well. Have a great Christmas!
Dave & Helen Josie, Jack well, we have read every one and loved hearing about your travels and following your progress. I hope this adventure will be the first of many. Dave & Helen, No2, Mt Pleasant
Charlotte Wow! Impressive statistics! What a brilliant adventure!
Garage and the Whippet Hi Josie ! By the way you missed out the statistics about how many bean and rice meals you ate . What an ace adventure you are a super travel writer! see you again in the holidays for another adventure after christmas xxx xxx
Emma I have been glued to your updates and very jealous it sounds amazing! I want to do exactly the same now.
grandma It has been great to read about your adventures and wonderful to share them for a short while. I hope daddy has enough pants now that he is home. You write really well Josie and I liked Jacks funny stories. Glad that we could meet you at Manchester. It is good to have you all home. Have a very Merry Christmas.
Tammy You're blog was the best blog I've ever read! It was funny and clever and very informative! Glad to have you all home now though! Lots and lots of love xxxxx
maddie hey Josie, I can't wait to see you again. your blog has been really interesting-you sound like you've had a great time.
Team Fryatt (Uncle Lee, Aunty Nicola & cousin Jude Hi Team Grist! Yes we have enjoyed reading your excellent blog and looking at your many photos. Jude has loved listening to your blogs as his daddy has read them out to him. Jude now wants us to go on an adventure ourselves! Looking forward to seeing you all later and hearing all your stories! Lots of love Team Fryatt x
Kieran McQuaid Hi Josie We've been following quietly in the background and have really enjoyed reading about your journey and seeing your pictures. I think that you've had an amazing trip - and will now be fielding lots of questions on why we can't follow in your footsteps. Kieran, Ruth, Jamie, Bruce & Audrey.
Tom Grundman ive been reading but not commenting often!!!loved the blog!