Southampton April 21...........Docked in dear old England for the day, and the weather was beautiful.Tony came and picked us up and drove us to his home which is only 30 miles away.Elaine and the two grandsons were there, then Wendy and Robert arrived with our three granddaughters, followed by Sandra, Helen's cousin. We all had a great lunch out in the garden. Quite a family get together.Our American friends from the ship really enjoyed their visits to Winchester, Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Beaulieu. We were able to say "See it is not always raining in England."Today we are heading out into the Atlantic for the crossing to New York. It has turned quite cold, although the sea is quite calm.  ..................................................................................New York....April 27........We made the six day crossing of the Atlantic in good order. the sea was a little bit rough at first, but not sick making, then it calmed down.New York was a disaster! Firstly we docked in Brooklyn instead of our usual berth in Manhattan, which was always so convenient for the city. At Brooklyn we were milesaway. Then dear old US customs took forever to clear us, so by the time we were able to get off, and with an early departure, there was hardly time to do very much ashore. Then on top of everything, it poured with rain all day. Would you believe that was our first wet day anywhere in 3 1/2 months?I took great delight in telling some our American friends "and you have the audacity to complain about English weather!"We had hoped to try to get the train up to Bethel, CT for a quick visit, but there was no time. I did walk out the dock gates for a while but it was very sleazy, with drug dealers hanging around etc.  ..................................................................................Fort Lauderdale....Sunday April 29......And so we were back were we started, after sailing 38600 miles in 108 days and visiting 42 different ports! All in all a great trip! Our favorite country? It has to be New Zealand. We loved it. Sydney, Australia is our favorite city, with Singapore a close second. Our best town is a delightful place called Hoi An in Vietnam. A really charming little place with such friendly people.It was nice to get home after a five hour drive in a rental car. It was also a little sad leaving the old QE2 (or Queenie as some of the regulars call her), it had been home to us for quite a while. Still very unique and graceful, although showing her age a little after 40 years of sailing the oceans of the world.
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