If you enjoyed Sydney wait till you get to Hong Kong - we have had a fantastic time in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island - of to Macau tomorrow for the day.
Must of been great to meet up with Jack and Lorraine.
Keep on enjoying trip
We are off to Madeira today and Alice on her ski trip in Italy. We had alot of snow yesterday which caused the normal chaos. It looks as if the thaw has started already today so we should be ok.
No messages from you for awhile so I guess the trip and acitivities are keeping you both busy.
Please to hear you are both well. The news do like to exagerate things as we heard the QE2 had been stopped at San Francisco for inspectors. We had snow yesterday which made everything look pretty but only lasted a day. Alice school friends had an interesting time. The school bus hit a loose horse and it turns out the bus driver was drunk! and the police let all the children walk home.
Liked the photos. Will you be looking so slim in 3 months time?
Was that you on the left?
John Parsons
We will be taking our laptop with us and, hopefully, will be able to both send and receive messages, either from WiFi on board ship, or from on-shore cafes.
We also have Skype set up on the laptop and this will let us make low cost phone calls to anywhere in the world, ifrom any WiFi hot spots.