Mon 26 Feb.......We stopped at a place called Yorky's Knob, near Cairns, Australia.Very small place, not much there, but it is a starting point for visiting the Great Barrier Reef. All the scuba diver and snorkelers went there (not too many on our ship due to the average age of us all, not forgetting walking frames and wheel chairs). Yes we have our share of those!The remaining able bodied crowd, including us, went up into the mountains in the rain forest. There was an Aborigine resort where we had demos of boomerang throwing, spear throwing, and native dancing, and a barbecue lunch. All great fun but I can't help feeling that after we had gone they washed off their war-paint, put on jeans and tee shirts and went home to their condos.The trip down was spectacular. We rode a cable car, 4.7 miles long, high over the forest and down the mountain side to the coast.Altogether, we were very impressed with Australia and New Zealand. Lovely part of the world and the people also very nice and friendly. We now have two days at sea heading for Papua New Guinea.Oh, we have Judy Cornwall on board. She plays "Daisy" in "Keeping Up Appearances," and gave an amusing talk today on "Fat Ladies." Never a dull moment!
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