Jon's (and Paula's) Overland Adventure
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New Delhi, India

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Nagpur, India

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Chennai, India

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Rishikesh, India

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Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia
Keith Keep writing, my friend. Your blog posts are always fun to read.
re: Nusa Lembongan, Indonesiastuart buchan I cant wait to see your blog entry detailing your lost passports and the trouble it causes!
re: Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaKate Absolutely priceless! I too am laughing out loud :O) Glad you're having such a great time. The photos make me so envious I can barely bring myself to look at them!! (but I do!)
re: Bangkok (passing through again), ThailandCol Brilliant stuff mate. Loved your description of the diving, and quite agree.
re: Koh Tao, ThailandSun That has made me laugh out loud at Stoke on Trent train station and making my painful delayed journey seem so much better. Nice one Jon and I hope u didn't actually wee on the roof.
re: Bangkok (passing through again), Thailandmacca loved this blog post jon here cool (again) after split and nan passign away. Plannign next trip at mo'...hi to the missus and keep posting all very cool and youre great at it. as i lknew you would be.
re: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia- last visited

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Keith Keep writing, my friend. Your blog posts are always fun to read.
Rebeccah Ditto those thoughts on the Stretchko's!