Another excellent blog Kirsty, welldone!! Jonathan's sections seems to have improved under your influence.
Just finished looking at the last lot of photos posted, they are superb. The mountain looked amazing but a bit scary. Dad was really impressed with the Terracotta Warriors and would like to see them himself. I think you were both very brave being so close to those large birds, you wouldn't have got me near them.
Lovely to speak to you yesterday.
Bye for now mum and dad xxx
Alchie Kate
Hey guys!
Have been back in the UK for a couple of days and just caught up on your blog - it's wonderful! You both write amazingly and I'm loving the video idea! You guys actually made me laugh out loud :) I hope you're having an amazing time, it looks spectacular. Spoke to Ruth today for the first time in like 3 months today, am hoping to crash Fresher's week before I get stuck in the real world and actually become employed (we hope!) I will make sure I have a jesticle (or five) for you guys when I'm down in Soton, but don't worry you're not really missing anything. Make the most of it whilst you're out there, when are you back again?
Miss you, take care and glad Jonny's feeling better now!
Love Kate xxxxx
Hey guys,
Sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'm so jealous. The photo's are awesome. Kirsty please don't let Jonny write the blogs! At the moment we can understand them, if you let him write them we'll have no idea what you're up to!
Ha ha, just kidding Jonny. My new house is missing the "Jonny influence". There's no random stuff that you've bought on the internet or "mould farm" sitting in the kitchen. Glad to hear you're feeling better.
Lots of love xxxx
Tim And Vik
Soz we missed your call on Sunday. Have managed to set up the wifi in the lounge on the laptop and we are getting Skype soon. You look like you are both enjoying yourself but we are expecting photos of you both with your eye lids held up with match sticks!!! Take care and get plenty of rest.
P.s. when we said we fancied a Chinky we didn't expect you to actually go to China and get us one personally! don't forget the prawn crackers though!
Auntie Barbara And Uncle Gordon
Thanks for letting us join you on your journeys what a lovely time you are having We love the pictures and vidio's it's lovely to see and hear you. Glad to hear you are feeling better Jonny You are doing a good job Kirsty and the commentry's not bad Jonny take care Love Auntie Barbara &Uncle Gordonxx
Hey guys!! ahh your pictures look amazing so far...glad you're both enjoying yourself!! Me and Bea are going to be in Oz from the 4th March for 7 weeks and then NZ for two weeks after that...where will you be at what time again? xxxxx
Rachel And David
Enjoyed reading your blog despite what J said!!!! Good to hear you are OK R@D
Mum And Dad
Hope you are both ok and Jonathan fully recovered.
Dont listen to him Kirsty, you keep doing the blogs, the last one from Yangshuou was excellent.
Hey Kirsty!
Great blog. Super jealous!
Sounds like you're having a fabulous time x x x
Auntie Audrey & Uncle Harry
Hello to you both
We are enjoying reading about your adventures in HK and China
You seem to be enjoying your travels take care and safe travels
Auntie A & UNcle H
Hiya!! Photos, videos and info on what you doing is fantastic - great job kirsty !!! You have seen some fab sights so far & seem to be covering sooooooo many miles!! Keep having fun - look forward to next post! All good with us, Vikkixx
Mum And Dad
Hi both, hope everything is going well. The photos and videos are excellent and keep us feeling closer to you. We have just had a superb weekend in Bath, the weather was glorious. Now the real reason for posting - Avasti antivirus programme is telling me my subscription will expire soon and that I need to click on the box to remedy the situation - what should I do? Hope to hear from you soon.