Sarah's travels
Day 149 (Friday 16th March 2007)
- The others knocked on my door stupidly early to go to brekkie but I was far too tired so told them to do one and slept in for a bit.
- I had a few things to do in town so headed in to sort out my flight home.
- Meet up with some of the guys in town and we had a look around followed by lunch and window shopping.
- Came back and went for a nap, woke up feeling crap as you do when you fall asleep in 40 degree heat!
- Got up and waved goodbye to the guys going bungee jumping! They were not happy bunnies and Jasons face was a picture of pure terror!
- Had a swim in the lovely pool and went to get ready for our last night out!
- We all jumped onto our bus for the last time to head down to the Woolshed. We had heard alot about this place so it had a lot to live up to. And it did it well!
- First we all sat and had dinner, Kyle and I shared what is offically the biggest plate of Nachos in the world! But it was so nice!
- Nick very kindly volunteered me for battle of the sexes, which i was a bit worried about! It was me and alicia against Dylan and Daniel. Of course they stood no chance! We drank a nice pint of orange, juice, milk, tabasco, cottage cheese, pineapple chunks and sambucca! I just about managed to keep it down, even though it tasted like I was drinking someone elses puke! Nasty, nasty stuff! Neither of the boys managed to drink all of theirs!
- After a couple of other silly games me and alicia were crowned winners! Wahoo! $100 bar tab each, drinks were on us!
- Nick dragged us up on the tables and we soon started a craze, with everyone dancing on the tables all night!
- It was the best night ever, and we all took hundreds of photos, which are not all that attractive!
- Got back to our hotel just after 3.30am and jumped in the pool!
Day 150 (Saturday 17th March 2007) Last day of tour :(
- Me and the girls in my room were woken up by house keeping at 7pm! I swear I had only just managed to clamber up onto my top bunk when she came banging the door down!
- Pretty fair to say that I felt horrific!
- Just about managed to stumble into the shower, where i nearly knocked myself out on the metal pole. The day was going well so far!
- We went to get a greasy plate of bacon before packing our bags and heading of to the Aboriginal centre for the morning.
- They showed us their dances, how to play a didgeridoo, throw a boomerang (I rocked!), throw a spear and how to make bush medicines!
- When we got back we all decided to have lunch together before doing all the emotional goodbyes!
- Was horrible saying goodbye to everyone, we had done alot of stuff together and had got on brilliantly right from the start.
- A few of us then headed into town for a bit before I left them to catch my flight back to Brisbane. Im so glad I did this trip, I had a wicked time and meet some amazing people!
- I arrived at the airport to be meet by Cameron and Jessie sprinting through a bunch of people shouting 'Aunty Sarah!' at the top of thier voices and nearly knocking me clean off my feet! Bless them!
- We treated the kids to a McDonalds and then went back to tell everyone all about my trip!
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