Good morning Vietnam! We arrived safely after a 14 hour bus journey.....luckly we had gone out the night before to say goodbye to China so the majority of the trip was spent soothing hangovers at the back of the bus! Arrived in Sapa, a small town in the North of Vietnam. It is lovely, set in mountains with busy little narrow streets where locals sell their wares; and a large lake set in the middle of town. The weather is el scorcheo but there is no escape from it as not near the sea!
Got up early on day two to start our Trek. Huang, our lovely guide told me that it was harder than the last trek but he knew that I would be fine! Such confidence in me! So we set out at a brisk pace. What can I say about the trek.....? It was in the mountains so we went up and down. More down than up which I thought I would be grateful for. However, in the mountains they haven't put paths so the way was steep and crumbly but it made Jon feel like a "real explorer!" We stoped for a break on top of a waterfall, stunning views and luckly not much water as it is dry season or else we would have been swimming across the top. Having a lovely time, even though Jon had a stinking cold and I had slipped on my bum all the way down a rock! But then tragedy struck.... well not real tragedy but I slipped and twisted my ankle. I bravely said that I would struggle on until lunch and then maybe get a motorbike to where we were staying. I ened up walking the whole way as Jon and I didn't want to spend money on the bike! But Jon and Huang were very helpful, walking slowly with me and laughing at me where I couldnt get down the steep parts and had to slide on my bum down the mountain! It was totally worth it though as we got the village where we were staying and it took my breath away(although that may have been the trek!)
The village was tiny with waterbuffalos roaming around and chickens feeding in people's garden. The house where we stayed was made totally of bamboo. We were a little worried that it wouldn't hold all of our weight but the guide assured us it was strong enough for elephants! Amazing food and karoke finsihed the evening off..... Jon is warming to Karoke and the group are warming to his dulcet singing tones!
We then headed to Hanoi on an overnight train arriving at 5am where the city was already busy and the weather very hot and sticky. Hanoi is an interesting city but it is very crowded, dirty and full of motorbikes. We were advised to just walk in front of them as they "are very good drivers who know how to swerve!" It's more than a little dangerous! Had a farewell meal with Huang as we get a new leader for the rest of Vietnam. We are really going to miss him. Heading to Halong Bay tomorrow. We can't wait to jump in the sea!
Missing everyone at home. Love to all.
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