So much to tell you and so little time until the internet inevitability breaks! We are now in Cambodia having left Ho Chi Minh and crossed the border. It was all very uneventful despite non of us having visas. We have a new tour guide call Thou-its pronounced Two, so from here on in, Jon and I are known as number four and number seven respectively! We arrived in a crazy hot Phnom Penh and took our sweating bodies straight to the Russian market which was packed and crazy and a great place for bargaining. The next day we spent a very emotional time in Toul Sleng Museum, a former school where they took prisioners in the 1970's to torture them before dumping their bodies in the killing fields. The museum hasn't really been touched since it was a prison and therefore you can see the tiny prison cells, instruments of torture, harrowing pictures and skulls of former prisioners. It was amazing to discover so much about the history but also very unsettling to know that it happened so recently. The killing fields were just as bad, made worse by the fact they were actually surrounded by a very pretty area- it somehow made the situation seem even more grim.
After that we headed three hours North to a local homestay. It was great to be amongst the locals and see how they live... we eat there, played a tradional new year game (new year is on monday) taughted them some English songs and generally had an amazing time. The accomodation was above a farm and we shared our room with six other group members, one cat, one glowing bug we named Dave and easily a million mosquitos. it stormed that night which gave Jon a chance to tell everyone which type of clouds were in the sky!
The next day, after our mini bus had been towed by a local truck (the engine wouldn't start) we made our way to Sihanouk Ville- a tourist resort by the beach. It was beautiful and oh so hot. We spent our second day on a boat trip where we snorkelled amongst the coral and Jon caught some fish with the aid of a plastic bottle and some squid as bait. We then set sail again to a deserted island with crystal clear warm waters which we played ""find the clams"" in, whilst our boat driver started a fire and cooked us chicken kebabs. it was such a good day, although as a result I can't lie down due to sunburn and Jon's (sorry, number 4's) nose is very peely!
Today we made our way back to Phnom Penh and went to church for Good Friday. We sat in an upper room (not actually a church) with over a hundred Cambodians and lots of Nuns! It was such an experience. Tomorrow we are heading to Siam Reap which we are very excited about.
Hope you all have a lovely Easter Weekend... only 2 days unitl I can officially eat chocolate again- VERY EXCITED!
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