Hey everyone well it's good to have all the messages. I wont have pictures up for another week or so yet but don't worry Beth they will be up soon.Well what have I been up to lately? Well on Tuesday we had an amazing tropical storm here. As I rode home after my classes in the evening I was met with a tree that had fallen down with the wind and knocked a power cable down preventing me from getting to my hotel. So I had to clime a wall to get to the hotel as a result of the cable being down there was no power. So I was presented by the hotel staff if you could call them that I haven't really found out there role yet because it isn't really cleaning and maintains any way ill continue that thought another time. So I was presented with a candle and some burning mosquito thing to keep the bugs away to light my room which was an experience. The power here is very temperamental here in any case.
On Wednesday I took my first classes completely solo which was a bit daunting really but in any case I embraced the situation and I think it went well. The kids found it funny that I can't pronounce there names very well. But other than that they were good as gold really.
Today I had home school which was good I am teaching the kids history and at the moment we are learning about Knights and dragons and things which is going down r4eally well with the Youngest who is only four lol.So anyways I only have a week left before I go to Calcutta and then the serious traveling can take place keep the messages coming its good to here what's going on back home. Johnny
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