hey guys thanks for all the messages well since the last time we spoke i have been up to loads. on saterday i went in to santankatin to look for some accomodation as the house im liveing in can be quite busy with all the children around i found some really nice places for arounf Rs500 which is about 10 pounds a night which is cheap but really expencie here. i am going to stay where i am for another week just so that i settel in properly befor movinf about 30mins away which means that i would have to bike in to suchana in the morning (suchana is what the school is called which im teaching is called). after looking for alternative i went for an ice cream with Eshani and reesia these are Kirstys kids ones 4 and 1/2 so he keeps remiding me and the others 6. i took the kids for a drink at a little cafe while kirsty shoped . later after some lunch back at the house we went to the local crafts market in Santanikatin. here I bought some post cards to send home made by the suchana kids. later in the evening we ww3ent t9o a resturant and had some typicval Indian dishes which tasted really good.
Sunday was the Suchana school day so i spent the day in kirstys calss which is the english class learning what takes place in each differnte age groups class depending on there ability. the first class we had was class five in this class we did verbs and reading activitys which were really fun.
The second classs we had was class four who are about 8 or 9 they dont know what there age is here as they dont count birthdays like we do so you just have to gess really. With this class they had to name parts of the boday and to help them we sung head, shoulders, knees and toes song which was really funnny and the kids just loved it. Next week I can take this class all by my self which im rerally looking foward to. In the afternoon was am=n art lesson where most of the kds take part me made origarmy things with paper which was reaslly good.
today I havent done much excpet heird a bike and had an English lesson with the teachers which went well part form they all turned up late. they have a big problem with time here in India so nothing happens quickly. the teaches promised to be on time tomorrow.
any ways keeps me updated whith stuff back home guys
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