11/10 - Traveling to Ko Phangan...bus, bus, boat, taxi...
So, I've come to learn a few things about Thailand (and SE Asia), not everything is what they say...100bhat can be bartered down, 10mins is longer etc so when they say 7am pick-up and they still aren't thre by 7.30 you don't panic...just wait! My bus dropped me at Krabi mini-boat station where I swapped tickets and stickers (this is how they identify you). Here to my delight I met Harris, a guy I'd randomly played frisbee with a week earlier on PhiPhi island! We were transported to Krabi port for a new ticket and sticker for an hrs wait. As we smugly got on to Bus 1 the smiles were soon wiped from our faces as the only 'seats' left were gaps on the floor where the seats should have been! As a few of us stretched out on the 'back seat'/floor we temporarily enjoyed the luxuary until Drives decided to stop at every local busstop and pile locals on. Backpacks were already piled down the isles so there were bodies and bags everywhere! We eventually made it to Surrattani for another 40min wait for the 5pm boat (more lies!) We eventually make it for the 6pm bus. It was at this point that everyone around just starts to opinion...there's nothing you can do about it, it wont make you get there any faster, and of could be worse! (I would take this journey any day over my Cambodian experiences!) Eventually made it to the island (4hrs later than originally told!) Food, and then some beers with my travel buddies in celebration for the fact we'd finally made it!
12/10 - Pool Party - "know when it's the bucket that's a bucket too many!"...
Reunited with the girls, really great to see them and catch u p on their goings on from Phuket. A day spent at the beach chillin and catching some rays. The whole world appeared to have decended on the island. Such a contrast from when I was last here and there were a handful of people on the beach, where as now, half of Israel were here! The same familiar faces from previous islands were beginning to crop up...all in preperation for a full moon! The evening saw us decorating and making our own 'buckets' before heading to the Pool Party! Again, more familiar faces. Veruca pool - a health and safety haven, luckily I was too drunk to notice. Lots of shoulder fighting with randoms before falling down a drain, slicing the front of my leg off before deciding it was time to call it a night!
13/10 - Girls on Bikes
Having drunkenly arranged to meet frisbee Harris and co to go biking, the girls and I got up at 10.30 only to find I'd got the time wrong! we sacked off that plan, went back to bed and re-started the day at 1pm! ...So when the lady in the shop asks "so you've driven a bike before!?" we just look and ask her to show us how to start the thing! As we drive off all she can say is "be careful..." as I turn the corner to see Aoife flying down a busy street at high speed before eventually finding the breaks!! all I can do is laugh!! Eventually we hit the main road out of town that is just one steep hill after another (and I mean steep!) Sarah freeks out part way up a hill and slams on the breaks, I emergancy stop behind, before we both have to do a hill start! Eventually we find a beach...complete peace and tourists, no drunks, no vendours...just white sands and turquoise waters! As we head back we're all that much cockier on our bikes, as we drive through town we toot people we know (who question which idiot let us loose on bikes!) before going on an exploration past our hotel. Sarah turns the corner, tips and drops the bike...I laugh, stuck on the wrong side of the road causing a blockade of traffic. A scan of the bike reveals (hopefully) no scratch marks!!
14/10 - Girls on Bikes Day2 / Full Moon
Having still got the bikes till 2pm Aoife and I decided to go on more adventures (Sarah refused to get on the bike again!) Off we trekked to find a waterfall and viewpoint. After driving for an hr to get there we trekked up to the wtaerfall...yet another unimpressive fall! We trekked up to the viewpoint in a hope that this would be better, at times pulling ourselves up by ropes and such luck. Just a lot of trees and irritating Thai lads hanging out! It was at this point that I noticed Aoife's key and wondered where mine might be, and it was, infact still in my ignition some few thousand metres below! I sprinted faster that I have in a while, forgetting about my messed up leg and potentially broken toes, wondering a) how I might explain to the ladies how I came to lose my whole bike, and b) how I would get back seeing as neither Aoife or I were capable of driving with 2people! Panic was there!
Full Moon - so the build up for this had been intense, so you would come to expect big my opinion in was similar to New Years, great build up, not such a great night! Thousands of people/bodies everywhere, you lose people, it's busy and very random! Sarah was too ill (properly not hung-over), Aoife and I got seperated, and I saw sunrise in with a random called Adam (who was in fact THE guy who'd fallen off the nieghbouring boat in Halong Bay and got knocked unconscious over a month ago - one of theose travelling stories that always happened to a friend of a friend!!)...small world and very random!
15/10 - Get me off Ko Phangan
So today was spent avoiding our cell of a room. It had not been cleaned since we got there, it was covered in sand, and everything about it was horrible. Some beach time, shopping and then move in a bar that evening!
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