hey guys i am still in ko c hang!
i love the place! iam staying in a hut on the beach which can be a bit rough around the edges. i always shake my clothes before putting them on because ishare with about 3 little lizards!
The weather has been a bit crazy at the moment , always raining, thailands even better than england its embarrassing!
the other day i went to the elephant trecking camp which was unbelieveable! firstly there was an hour and healf treck through the deep jungle. During the treck an elephant in front of ou rs fell over one of the most scary experiences of my life!
we even got to ride the elephants on our own sat legs behin d the big guys ears! after hand fedding the elephants bannanas wqe went in the river for a dip and scrubbing their backs as they swam around crazzy!
today we rented mopeds and went south down the coast stopping off at beaches and going on a road that went right through the jung le.
since being in thailand i have eaten some bad things, i think i ate a p igs ear when ithought it was a kebe\ab stick! whilst in bangkok troy forced me to eat a grasshopper with him after a few beers.
made a load more friends in ko chang including dutch and german guys and girls.
made go on the move tommorrow depending on the weather maybe to one of the islands to the east or back to the mainl;and to go up to chaing mai!
speak soon love joe x
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