I was just thinking the other day, that it's really funny living in a house which has air conditioning in every room, but doesn't have any radiators! Total opposite to England! Haha.
So as I am coming to the end of my time in Honduras, and think over my time here, it has been pretty cool all in all! I have had a great time here in San Pedro Sula with the Flores family, they have been so kind! Esperanza, the lady who works in their house, asked me what the name of the country I'm from is called, and when I said England she told me she'd never heard of it! To me that is insane.... crazy!! It made me laugh, I thought it would be obvious seeing as English comes from England... I had to tell her it's in Europe but oh well. I really like her, she's lovely, so is Carmen, the other lady who helps in the house and cooks.
Carmen taught me how to make "baleadas" yesterday, which are pretty much wheat tortillas, and they are DELICIOUS!! I just hope that I remember how to make them by the time I get back to England haha. They usually eat them with a black bean paste inside and some cheese, and what they call butter (but it is actually the equivalent or kind of gloopy cream haha). Tastes sooo good though!
Laura Sofia, who is Daniel's cousin, is 12, and wanted me to stay at her house on Sunday night, so I did because I wanted to be nice. It was an experience.... kareoke machines and all! hahaha. Then the next day she made me go to her school with her for an hour in the morning, I was so self conscious because everyone was staring at me!!!!!
I have had another change of plans to my itinary (I know it has been changing a lot haha), and the new plan is that on Saturday I AM GOING TO NEW ZEALAND FOR A MONTH!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo so excited, I can't believe I'm actually going!! It is going to be amazing. This is what I'm doing if you are interested in taking a lot. I'll also be staying with some friends in Wellington and Dunedin for a few days which I am excited about :) I was just mentioning in passing to my mum that I've always wanted to go to NZ so she said why don't you!? and booked me up some tickets! I am finding it very difficult to conceal my excitement really.
I had to get up at 5am this morning to get my flight, it was business class! Very posh indeed, free upgrade, it was great! haha. I got extra free drinks and biscuits and sweets and everything, haha. It was only two half hour flights, from San Pedro Sula to San Salvador in El Salvador, then from there to Guatemala City. I had to come back to Guatemala as my onward flight goes from here. Needless to say I am very excited about meeting up with friends later on!! Also, random but nevermind, as I was flying in to El Salvador earlier this morning, I had Athlete's song "El Salvador" in my head and was smiling to myself as I realised that I was completing the request in their lyrics "fly to El Salvador". Yeah, I know I'm sad...... OH WELL, GET USED TO IT!! hahaha.
More updates to come!!!
Love Joelle
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