The last two weeks have been pretty lazy, I've just been watching a bit of TV, playing with Lucia the 2 year old (crazy girl! haha) and waiting for the swimming pool to be ready. There have been builders doing an extension for most of the time I've been here and all the brick dust and everything was going in the pool so it couldn't be used. They have finished now and the pool has been cleaned, so today I FINALLY went swimming for the first time!! It is still ridiculously hot here, so getting in an unheated swimming pool is so nice and refreshing! It's not cold because the sun is on it and heats it up, but it makes it cool enough to stay in the sun! If you are just sitting in the sun here it is too hot and you are literally dripping with sweat. So I was happy today because I managed to stay in the sun for the 2 hottest hours of the day and feeling at a nice temperature! If I do that every day for the rest of the week it should top up my tan a little bit!! I've been getting slightly worried about my tan because I've had to be in the shade the whole time because it really is unbearably hot in the sun. I guess that I just think I'm not so brown because I'm constantly with Hondurans though haha who naturally have a darker skin tone anyway. ANYWAY... the swimming was IMMENSE!
I don't think I've ever drunk so much water in my life! It's so hot here that I just constantly feel the need to be drinking water!! I don't like the taste of the water in Honduras, it's all purified from big bottles because you can't drink tap water anywhere in Central America, but it's ok when it is really cold! Luckily where I am now it goes through a cooler machine first. I'm literally drinking about 6 pints of water a day though! It is mental mental chicken oriental! hahaha. I suppose it's good for me though!
I only have just less than a week left in Honduras and although I'm having a nice time, I really can't wait to get back to Guatemala for the week to see my friends there!! It is going to be such a good week catching up with some awesome people I met during my 3.5 months there, and it will be a far nicer temperature whilst still being sunny!
I've started reading "A Beautiful Mind", the biography about the maths genious John Nash who went schitz for years then recovered and won a Nobel Prize. It's actually really interesting. I remembered that I loved the film when I saw it then I saw the book on the book shelf so I picked it up and decided it would be a good read. I need to see the film again as I don't remember that much of it.
So anyway, not much has been going on here, I've just been chilling out. More news will inevitably be on the way once I get back to Guatemala and then on to the States and Canada!!!
Lots of love
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