Cowra say Cora not Cow ra or the locals don't know what you are saying.W e are having some difficulty making ourselves understood in N.S.W.when Joe says his name they respond by calling him John and the other day someone couldn't understand us saying Canberra.I wasn't going to write anything about Cowra but in response to popular demand or was it the remark about us not being committed to this task? I decided to knuckle down to the task ( anyway the biggest loser has just finished and there is a 30 minute window of opportunity before Life on Mars)Yes even out here I like the tv and we have bought a pair of wireless earphones so I can watch to my hearts content and Joe can read and not hear a thing. We booked 2 nights here so we had a full day to do some washing and sightseeing and we wondered if there was enough to fill a day but we were pleasantly surprised.We now know that Cowra was an important base during ww11 and a P.O.W. camp for the Japanese and in August 1944 there was a mass break out which was really a mass suicide because the Japanese considered it better to be dead than a prisoner.Over 230 of them died and none escaped capture for long.Four Australians also died.There is also a peace bell here which is most unusual because all other bells are in the countries capitals.And I got the washing done.Beautiful day.We have booked in Camberra for 3 nights with option to stay longer if we want. So as I said last night Canberra here we come.
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