CoonabarabranThe astronomy capital of Australia.Our first big stop.I was going to say the journey down was uneventful but I think passing through torrential rain around Warwick and a flat car battery yesterday could be deemed events.We fell for the glossy advertising about this area and Australia's largest telescope 28k from here and did a stopover.The countryside is lovely but the Sidings Spring Observatory was a big disappointment and we wouldn't recommended a visit especially with children.Tonight we have booked a night tour at a private observatory.We begin with a Thai? Meal at 7pm and observing of the night sky at 9 all at the same place and we suspect our chef and astronomy expert are going to be one and the same person and she defiantly isn't Thai.We also suspect we shall be the only ones there.We shall go to the local church tomorrow (who knows this versatile woman could be doing the sermon there) and then we are off to Dubbo probably for 2 nights.The nights are cold here but today has been lovely.
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