Hello everyone- got a bit of catching up to do. So start with last few days in NZ
We did the 2 dat Copeland Trek. Day 1 was good- nice sunshine. Quite a difficult walk, lots of up ans down and lots of big and small rocks to climb over. When we got there there were natural hot pools which we bathed in for a while- very beautiful with the mountains in the background. second day it was predicted showers- but oh no constant rain ALL DAY. Made it pretty hard as the upslope rocks we walked up the previous day were now small streams. 7 hours of walking in the rain- we were glad to finish. It was good fun though. We walked with a brother and sister we met from York. Jenny & Martin. At the very end of the walk we had a big river to walk through, it was flowing quite quickly because of the rain so we all linked arms and walked through- up to our knee's. We we so wet anyway it didn't really make much difference!!!!
Following day we did a day on the Glacier. This was also quite a bit of walking which was difficult as we were still tried from th trek but the views made it very much worth while. There were 11 in our group and 1 guide. He had to cut the steps in the ice for us when it was very steep. You go given shoes with spikes on so it was quite easy to walk.
The Thursday we travelled to Christchuch on the Trans Alpine train- apparently one of the most beautiful train journys you can take. It was great. I think i expected it to be a bit more like Hogwarts Express than a normal train but the views were great.
Friday we just spent the day wondering around Christchurch and went to the cinema to see Slumdog Millionaire.
Saturday we went to the Science Museam in the morning and expanded our knowledge. George also did some rock climbing there. In the afternoon we went punting. It was great. Really sunny and punting was so relaxing. We punted through the Botanic Gardens so had great views as well. When we got off the punt we heard some live music so followed it to the Flower show. We dicided to go in. It was sort of like the Bath & West. Lots of show gardens and food halls- so we had our tea in the food hall!!!!!
Sunday we hung around the hostel and then made our way to the airport. Sarah picked us up in Sydney and we came back to hers which is where we are now. It is so nice to have our cloths in draws and not be living out of a bag!!
Today we tried to get out bearings in Sydney. Went to Darling Harbour and Sydney Opear House. Back home now and cooking roast Chicken. Tomorrow we are going to have a relaxing day at Bondi Beach.
Lots of love to all xxxxxxx
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