Today SAS invaded our hotel. It was ridiculous! Mom and I slept in a little and at around 10:30 we went downstairs with a plan to go downtown. The lobby was literally covered with SAS kids. We snuck out around all of them and got on the bus to go downtown again. When we got downtown we went to the Pirates of Nassau Museum, which was AWESOME!!!! I took a video of a bunch of it and as soon as I figure out how to video edit things a video of the Bahamas will be up! One of the pirates that was working the museum introduced himself to me. His name was Captain Black Sparrow "because every good pirate had a dark side." ...And then he picked me up...What a winner. After the museum Mom and I walked around a bit and went down to he peir where the cruise ships dock and guess what's in port today?? The MV Explorer! Wooooooo!
Today was insanely hot (91 degrees with 88% humidity) so we headed back to the hotel and went out to the beach. Out on the beach there were TONS of SASers. It was cool because some were Maymester kids and some were going this summer (I guess the Maymester kids got off today and stayed to hang out...who wouldn't?). It was nice because the May people had tons of tips and you could really tell that all of them got really close on the ship. I can't wait!
"Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all."- Johnny Depp
- comments
Brandon wait wait wait wait.... there was a PIRATE... who's name was BLACK... this is like magic in a bottle!
Jessica haha I didn't even make that connection!