Ok, just to upddat eyou and my birthday and today so far. We have been going non stop since we arrived and I aut it has still on a time schedule right now...but it has been great. Anyway, yesterday was my 21st birthday as most know and I did miss being home, but everyone here made it a special day for me which was helpful. we started off touring the Royal Palace and changing of the guards. We went on this amazing boat ride that last about 1 and a half hours both ways in the Baltic Sea. We went out to this island called Waxholm where we had lunch and just shopped around for a few hours. The boat ride was so nice, you will have to see my pictures. That pretty much took up most of the day, but last night we had reservations at the Absolut Ice Bar which is a bar where everything is made up of ice from the walls, seating, the actual bar and cups...and we had to wear the cloaks and gloves to go in there...check out my pretty pictures of everyone. It was very appropriate for a 21st birthday, but we only could stay for a few minutes as you can imagine is it way below freezing in there. A great experience I can't find anywhere else!! So after that everyone wanted to find me a great palce to have dinner and everyone wanted to celebrate my birthdya with me which was super sweet..there have been 3 other birthdays here so far and no one has done that to everyone else so it felt real good that people wanted to celebrate with me. However, due to all of the drama that comes with finding somewhere to eat, we split up. I wanted sushi or japanese food but we ended up at an Aisian restaurant with no sushi. 2 people who hate asian food even went with me. It was a really good meal and it was fun to have my friends there. After that we came back to the hotel and then everyone wanted to take me out for my 21st of course, so we chilled out around here for a while and them attempted to find somewhere. We are new to Sweden so we knew nowhere to go and this place is like dead compared to Copenhagen. There, people were out at all hours of the night at bars and clubs abd people were always out and having a good time whereas here it is dead during the week until the weekend like it is in the weird. So we tried a few places to go and then the only place that there were a lot of people at we could not get in because the age limit is 23..ugh! A lotfo bars here are like that because they want a different class of people and all that, so we went to 1 other bar and I had 1 drink..and then we came back to the hotel and called it a it was a great birthday..and I cant wait to get home..only a couple more days to go!
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