Hi Everyone!
I just wanted to update my travels to scotland last weekend!
Last week I flew into Glasgow Scotland with 4 of my very best friends here. We then made the Journey to Edinburgh, Scotland which is a much smaller city. Edinburgh was by far my favirote thing I have seen yet. The city is built in layers, and all the streets are cobblestone and very european.
As we got off the train station we immediatly heard bagpipes, and it just made us all so excited to be there! We stayed ina very nice hostel, right in teh center of the small town!
On the first day we did an underground tour where we learned all about the city that was built underground in Edinburgh. We learned about the plague, and how the people that lived underground were often victems of the plague or came from very little money. We got to see all the rooms underground just how they were, and also some pretty scary ghost stories too! I loved seeing the underground city becasue there is so much history there! I have really enjoyed learning how much history is in each place I visit!
That day we also walked the Royal Mile. This is a mile of cobblestone street and beautiful buildings that go from the queen to the castle. This walk was BEAUTIFUL. I juts fell in love with cobblestone streets and bagpipe players!
We ate dinner at a little fish and chip shop beside our hostel, and got ready for the next day!
The next day we took a walking tour of Edinburgh, which took up most of the day. I loved this becaues our tour guide was a young girl from Canada that moved to Edinburgh because she loved the history, she seemed so inspired and passionate..and she was funny too! We got to see EVERYTHING on this tour. We saw Edinburgh Castle, The Spire, heard tons of stories, and got to walk in the most beautiful park! We also saw where the first two harry potter books were written, and a grave yard where some of the characters were named after!
That night we went to the little chip shop once more(it was just toooo good not to eat twice!) and watched the sunset by the truely was a beautiful day. In fact they say that in Scotland it rains 250 days out of the year..and it was bright and sunny our whole weekend! how lucky!
That night we walked the streets and met some Scottish people in a few pubs, and even got to stop at a cute little stand and eat a crepe! yumm!
The next day we went to the hill where you can see all of Edinburgh! It was SO BEAUTIFUL!! We layed in the grass, and took silly pictures. It made me so hapy to have such amazing friends from all over. There is a small group of friends that I have made that I will be so sad to leave, because they feel like family to me.
Then we went to Glasgow, which is A HUGE but amazing city. We walked the very very busy streets of glasgow and got dinner that night. I loved Glasgow, and seeing the city, however I have to say that Edinburgh has to be the most beautiful place in Scotland, I couldnt get enough of it!
Other then that I have spent my week with my friends here that I can now call family. I eat family dinner with them everynight, and we basicly spend every moment together. Traveling really makes you shar bonds with someone, and I am so happy I have met these great friends!
This friday ill be surfing in N Ireland, and then Saturday I am going to Donegal Ireland with a friend I met here that lives there. We are going to her home to very excited!
As of now, I am planning my Euro trip...IM TRAVELING FOR TWO MONTHS! illl put my itenerary up as soon as i make it! Ill be starting in Germany going counter clockwise! I am so so so so so so so so excited. I feel so blessed for this oppurtunity to be traveling, and I dont tihnk I have ever been happier in my life. I love meeting people from so many different cultures, and seeing EVERYTHING. I cant put into words what this experience has ment for me so far.
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