Hey everyone!
Sorry for letting the blog slip a bit, been busy at work, but also have nothing very exciting to talk about.
For example - my flip flop broke the other day, so i made a new one out of masking tape, cloth, and an egg carton. Then it broke after 3 days so i found some in the Lost and found box and used them. They broke today.
You can kind of see how exciting my life is.
Dont get me wrong - i love being at camp, got some really great people to chill with, and chat to. Ive moved into the French camp into my friends cabin, so i speak english sometimes when im at work, but the rest of the day is completely in french. This gets a bit scary some time, for example last night i dreamt in french, and after drinking a few beers one night i completely forgot how to speak english.
Other interesting news - we have 6 days left til we leave! After this im staying in toronto for a night for my friends birthday party, before flying to LA with a friend from camp and staying with them for 6 days.
Oh - fairly exciting news, in December i crashed my car and had pretty bad whiplash. Then while playing hockey i over exerted myself, and got shoved in exactly the wrong place, so was out of work for a day, which i spent drugged and iced up in bed, before resuming light duties. Its finally better now, so looking forward to playing hockey etc... again.
Had a great birthday on camp - laid in and then worked lunch and dinner, then went out in the evening for drinks with friends. Got some great presents and cards too.
Thanks for all being so patient, normal blogging service will resume of course with my return to Los Angeles!
For now,
Josh xx
Photo is of Niagara falls, which i have no intention of visiting, seeing or talking about. But it is fairly close by, and i cant transfer photos from my phone.
Mum - dont joke! Food is crap (think hot doggy school lunches for the kids) so have actually put on a lot of weight, especially as i couldnt exersise due to my back. Have managed to loose it all now, but was 5kg heavier than usual at one point!
- comments
Dad Good to hear the French is strong and hope the neck is loads better! Mum & Amelia now in France - think they are just a little bit excited to see you. :-) Love ya Dad x
Claire shann Hi Josh - can't believe your trip is nearly over. You have done so many different things and have visited so many places. You will be dining out on all the stories for years. Have a great time in LA and hope to see you when you get back. Xx
Grandad Hi Josh did get my e-mail if so how about a reply can't wait? Love Grandadx x
gwen Hello Josh, wow your summer sure has gone fast. Love the flip flop story!! You should probably be packing and getting ready to leave. What are your stops back home again??? Take care, Love you, Tim and Gwen
Momma finally got internet access!!!! fab to hear from you, to say that we are excited about your return to the nest is a little understated. we are all dying to hear about your grand adventure. hbs Momma G xx