Michelle & Jez's Adventures
We've made it to Australia. 32 hour transit from Zimbabwe was dealt with with utmost professionalism by both parties. We flew via Sydney (just because we could).
Western Oz is a top place for those of you yet to visit. We are almost in the middle of winter here yet the Factor 30 is still taking one hell of a beating. That said, the nights and early mornings are extremely parky.
With this in mind, we are about to set off for a 2 week tour of SW Australia with a small hire car and tent as I feel that it is time for a true test of our collective character. Winelands (fine), beaches (fine) and outback, sub-zero at night (not so fine).
We have therefore factored-in 10-days recovery time on Darwin beaches immediately afterwards to do absolutely nothing - probably for the first time in our lives. However, I am determined to take on the locals at some form of watersports and provide us with an away victory (I recall that the Brits are good at sailing etc. so our chances are high). Michelle is opting for windsurfing while I'm edging towards Maxi-yachts........ I digress.......
Must dash - important tasks ahead. I need to sort our itinerary for the next few weeks to ensure that we stay at campsites / hotels / B&Bs etc. which offer wide-screen telly showing the footy matches which I gather start at approximately 2:00a.m. over here. Should be a breeze.
Goodbye for now. We may not get near a place with a computer for a while (don't ask) but we'll update you either upon our return to civilisation in Western Oz or in Darwin.
(Keep your meta-tarsels crossed for the big W; I am)
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