My Camino Journey
Today, Sonia, phil & myself started out a little later than everyone else. We had coffee and a snack before we left the albergue and were on the road by 7.30am. It was a nice easy walk after yesterday up and down hill. It was also a little different today because we passed through the a lot of little towns, normally we have hours where we are on dirt tracks between towns but today we just seemed to walk through town after town, it was good because it made the day go fast, there were plenty of beautiful houses and church's to look at, and we even got to stop at a winery for a tasting, which cost us a huge 1.50€ for a glass of wine and you get a free tapas with it.... We could have stayed there all day. We stopped in at a little church in Fuentes Nuevas, one of the local women was standing out the front offering stamps for our pilgrim passport, you give a donation which helps fund the church and then we had a look inside. The church was beautiful and had a painting of the last supper on the roof of the church, it was really cool. We hadn't booked anything accommodation for today and were just taking in the sights without stressing about where we were going to stop, as we got closer to Cacabelos there were billboards advertising a hotel in town, it offered .special rates for pilgrims and the pictures looked really nice..... And if we got a triple room it would be about $30aud each..... Which is not bad considering, we figured if it was meant to be there would be a room available. We arrived into town and found the hotel, and what do you know... They had a triple room. So tonight we are living it up in a hotel, sleeping in beds with sheets, showering and using proper towels... And now watching the Kardashians in Spanish, and no they don't sound any smarter in Spanish haha
- comments
Wendy Hi Jess It's been great following you your trip. Congratulations for making it this far and keep up the good work. You will have these memories for ever so enjoy. Love Wendy and Stan.
Mum Hi Bloss, You certainly are having a wonderful trek, I hope your feet and body are standing up to it all, you certainly have made some wonderful friends, I hope you will be able to keep in touch with them always. How many more klms have you got to go? You seem to be doing really well. I hope the feet and body aren't too bad though? Have you seen any wild life there as yet? It certainly looks to be a lovely country, and you are seeing the real Spain, not the touristy Spain, which is great. Enjoy Bloss and take care Love you Mum��
Nina Keep up the great trekking babe ;)